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Anxious Colombia

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Anxious Colombia

Anxious Colombia

I see a country full of headaches, upset stomach, tachycardia and palpitations, tremors and sweating, dizziness and syncopal symptoms. I see an anxious country. cornered. As never before, uncertainty and the destitute future have led us to this. These types of sensations settle in us and do not leave us time to enjoy, for pleasure and leisure: they stole our time to think. Everything turns into worries and problems stopped being small a long time ago and are true obstacles to freedom: it took away our space to meditate.

The human species for centuries has defended itself through an automatic force that allows it to defend itself: the response to fear. We descend into the frontal lobe and discover a series of characteristics that allow us to decipher and try to understand the past that has given rise to these future circumstances that are revealed to us today. Anxiety allows us to identify problems and seek strategies that allow their resolution. We are the only species that can look at the past and plan to build its future.

Anxiety looks like an antenna, it is the object that is identifying and ordering the sequence of complications that are coming. The Colombian collective antenna is on the rise and there are many problems that shake us daily. The economic situation does not leave us a calm and alarming life, security is gloomy and does not allow a calm habitat, health is questioned and with a reform that wishes to nationalize the regulations at the expense of the well-being of Colombians. There are individual problems that choke the family member and suffocate the subjects. But, when the worries do not exist, there is a climate of anxiety and the response to fear prepared to respond to this situation.

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The collective song sings infernal melodies that can happen. Reveal all Colombians. Human beings become threats and you have to anticipate with exaggerated security measures. We are in a climate of phobias and traumatic events interrupt our calm. This increases individual lability and the personal anxious state increases progressively. Psychiatrists are right when they affirm that 30% of the population suffers from a generalized state of anxiety and these patients need treatment.

In the usual medical consultation we are told about these problems and most of the time we minimize them. Contracture or stiffness in the muscles of the skull, spasm and limitation of neck movements, pain in the extremities and a series of hypothalamic phenomena that keep us constantly alert. Undemonstrable sensory manifestations is a common complaint. The turnover of doctors is constant and the number of tests that are done make anxiety a profitable business in health.

There is little that is heard in the consultation and practically no semiological application. The signs replaced by exams. It is necessary to teach the patient the knowledge of these symptoms so that he accepts, assimilates and modifies them looking for her well-being. It’s ACTH circulating indefinitely.

Diphthong: figure of disapproval of Gustavo Petro in 54%. It should be higher today.

Created by
Remberto Burgos de la Espriella

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