Home » Xi Jinping inspects the navy in the southern theater, emphasizing deepening military training and preparations

Xi Jinping inspects the navy in the southern theater, emphasizing deepening military training and preparations

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Xinhua News Agency reported that Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission11On the 1st, he went to the Southern Theater Command to inspect and investigate the navy. He emphasized that it is necessary to conscientiously implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, implement the party’s thinking on strengthening the military in the new era, implement the military strategic policy in the new era, deepen military training and preparations, accelerate transformation and construction, comprehensively improve the modernization level of the army, and resolutely complete the tasks entrusted by the party and the people. various tasks.

Xi Jinping emphasized that it is necessary to persist in thinking about and handling military issues from a political perspective, carry out military struggles firmly and flexibly, and improve timely and appropriate responses to complex issues.The ability to deal with complex situations, resolutely defend my country’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and strive to maintain the overall stability of the surrounding areas.

Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen actual combat-oriented military training, persist in leading training through combat, deepen research on war and operational issues, and innovate operational concepts and combat methods and training methods. It is necessary to strengthen case-based confrontational training, focus on key topics, specialize in refinement, and improve training levels and actual combat capabilities.

Xi Jinping also emphasized that it is necessary to vigorously develop new combat forces and means, grasp the characteristics and laws of the construction of new-quality combat capabilities, and promote new equipment and new forces to accelerate the formation of actual combat capabilities. It is necessary to persist in system construction and system application, thoroughly crack down on shortcomings and weaknesses, and promote the overall upgrade of the combat system.

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The People’s Liberation Army has just concluded a three-day circum-Taiwan military exercise against Taiwan. Xi Jinping inspected the navy in the southern theater, which is considered to be in harmony with the United States and the Philippines.4moon11day started30It is related to the largest “shoulder to shoulder” joint exercise in recent years. Some analysts believe that the target of the US-Philippines military exercise is China.

Editor Chen Meihua

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