Home » Transcript of the Special Press Conference of the 4th United Nations World Data Forum-National Bureau of Statistics

Transcript of the Special Press Conference of the 4th United Nations World Data Forum-National Bureau of Statistics

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Transcript of the Special Press Conference of the 4th United Nations World Data Forum-National Bureau of Statistics


The 4th United Nations World Data Forum, hosted by the United Nations and jointly organized by the National Bureau of Statistics of China and the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province, will be held in2023Year4moon24Day-27The day was held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.In order to let people from all walks of life understand the relevant situation of the forum in a timely manner, the National Bureau of Statistics and the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province4moon13Japan and Japan co-hosted the special press conference of the 4th United Nations World Data Forum. Kang Yi, secretary of the party group and director of the National Bureau of Statistics, Xu Wenguang, member of the Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and executive vice governor, attended the press conference, and Mao Shengyong, member of the party group and deputy director of the National Bureau of Statistics, presided over the conference.The record of the press conference is as follows:

Mao Shengyong:

Friends from the media, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon! Thank you very much for participating in the special press conference of the 4th United Nations World Data Forum.4moon24-27On the 1st, the 4th United Nations World Data Forum will be held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. This is an important international statistical exchange event held when my country is embarking on a new journey of comprehensively building a socialist modern country and the development of the digital economy has entered an important period of strategic opportunities. In order to let everyone keep abreast of the relevant situation of the forum, a special press conference of the forum is held today.

First of all, please allow me to introduce the two leaders attending today’s press conference. They are Mr. Kang Yi, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the National Bureau of Statistics, and Mr. Xu Wenguang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and Executive Vice Governor.

Now, I would like to invite Mr. Kang Yi, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the National Bureau of Statistics, to introduce the relevant situation of the 4th United Nations World Data Forum.

Kang Yi:

Hello, friends from the media! Thank you for participating in today’s special press conference. Next, I will first briefly introduce the basic situation of the 4th United Nations World Data Forum.

The United Nations World Data Forum is an international forum initiated and hosted by the United Nations.2015In 2010, the United Nations Statistical Commission46The session passed the resolution to hold the United Nations World Data Forum, focusing on the implementation of2030The 2020 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides a communication platform for global data producers and users.The previous three forums were held in2017Year,2018year and2021Held in Cape Town, South Africa, Dubai, United Arab Emirates and Bern, Switzerland. Affected by the epidemic,2020Year10In October, an online virtual forum was also held in Bern, Switzerland. In general, the forum put forward many constructive opinions and achieved important results in strengthening national data and statistical capacity building, promoting the modernization of national statistical institutions, and building a national data ecosystem.

Approved by the State Council, the fourth forum will be4moon24to27The day is held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province in a combination of online and offline methods, and is jointly organized by the National Bureau of Statistics and the Zhejiang Provincial Government.Forum to “Embrace Data Win-win future” as the theme slogan, focusing on data innovation and cooperation, mining data value, improving data credibility, and building a good data ecology.6plenary session and72A parallel meeting to deepen the innovative application and cooperation of data for global data producers and users, and promote the implementation of the United Nations2030The 2020 Sustainable Development Agenda provides a platform for communication.At that time, international organizations such as the United Nations and the World Bank, government officials from relevant national statistics and data management departments, as well as academia, enterprises, civil society, etc. will come from130multiple countries and regions1600More than representatives from all walks of life will participate in the forum on site, including international representatives900Yu people.According to the previous situation, the scale of online participation is expected to exceed7000people.

The main agenda of this forum includes opening and closing ceremonies, plenary and parallel meetings, exhibitions and special events. At the opening and closing ceremonies, the Chinese government and the United Nations will be invited to attend and deliver speeches, release the results of the forum, and hold a handover ceremony with the next host country.In terms of plenary sessions, the co-arranged6field, where1The field is the Chinese Plenary Session led and organized by our country, other5The forum will focus on the four major thematic areas of the forum, led and organized by the United Nations.In terms of parallel meetings, co-arranged72The content and topics of the forum will be organized around the theme of the forum, organized by the institution or individual who submitted the proposal. The form of the meeting includes round table forums, expert seminars,TEDSpeech etc. In terms of exhibition display, set up “Global Vision, China Smart Statistics, Digital Zhejiang, Hangzhou Practice, Data Industry”5exhibition area. We also arrange some special events. At the same time, during the forum, the United Nations High-Level Group Meeting on the Sustainable Development Agenda, the United Nations Big Data Global Platform Regional Center Seminar, and the first meeting of the new National Statistical Expert Advisory Committee will also be held.

To hold the forum well is an important action to implement Xi Jinping’s diplomatic thought, and it is an important step to implement the United Nations2030The specific measures of the 2020 Agenda for Sustainable Development are a favorable opportunity to deepen international cooperation in data governance, and an effective way to accelerate the modernization of China’s statistics. Hangzhou “Window of the City” reflects “China’s Governance”, better demonstrates my country’s responsibility and openness as a major country, gives play to my country’s important role in global statistics and data governance, and promotes the implementation of global development initiatives.

The Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the preparations for the forum.2022Year6moon24On October 1, President Xi Jinping presided over a high-level dialogue on global development, and holding a forum was included in the list of achievements.This year4In November, the State Council approved the establishment of the Organizing Committee of the 4th United Nations World Data Forum, which provided a strong organizational guarantee for the smooth development of the forum preparations. The National Bureau of Statistics and the Zhejiang Provincial Government, together with the members of the organizing committee, formulated a work plan for the forum, carefully designed the main agenda activities such as the opening and closing ceremonies, and the China Plenary Session, solidly promoted the invitation of important guests, carried out publicity reports for the forum in an orderly manner, and actively implemented the construction of the venue , security, transportation, accommodation, technical support, sanitation and epidemic prevention, voluntary services and other conference affairs have laid a solid foundation for the high-quality holding of the forum.

Dear friends from the media, the high-quality holding of the forum is inseparable from in-depth and extensive publicity and reporting. Please pay more attention and support, and join hands with us to create a strong atmosphere where the whole society pays attention to the forum and data, and strive to present to the world an inclusive, mutual learning and far-reaching international data and statistics event. Thanks!

Mao Shengyong:

Thanks to Mr. Kang Yi for his introduction. Now, Mr. Xu Wenguang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and Executive Vice Governor, will introduce the relevant situation of the Zhejiang Provincial Forum.

Xu Wenguang:

Hello, friends from the media! It is a great pleasure to introduce to friends from the media about Zhejiang Province’s preparations for the 4th United Nations World Data Forum. First of all, on behalf of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone for your long-term concern and support for Zhejiang’s economic and social development!

Zhejiang is located on the southeast coast of China and on the south wing of the Yangtze River Delta.1%land area,4.6%population, created6.4%economic aggregate. During his work in Zhejiang, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a series of major strategic deployments such as the implementation of the “Eighth Eighth Strategy” and the construction of “Digital Zhejiang”. Over the past 20 years, Zhejiang has unswervingly followed the path guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping, insisted on drawing a blueprint to the end, and continued to lay down the “four lists and one network”, “run at most once”, government digital transformation and digitalization Combining reforms, starting from this year, we will make greater efforts to implement the “No. 1 Development Project” for digital economy innovation and quality improvement, accelerate the deep integration and development of digital economy, digital government, and digital society, take the lead in introducing big data industry development plans, and take the lead in launching provincial-level data open platform,2022In 2019, the added value of Zhejiang’s digital economy core industries accounted forGDPSpecific gravity reached11.6%The level of digital comprehensive development ranks in the forefront of the country.

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Hangzhou, the provincial capital, is known as “paradise on earth”. Italian traveler Marco Polo praised Hangzhou as “the most beautiful and luxurious city in the world” after traveling all over the world. Hangzhou is also a city of digital intelligence. It has bred a large number of digital leaders such as Alibaba and Netease. It has a number of digital science and technology innovation platforms such as the United Nations Big Data Global Platform China Regional Center and Zhijiang Laboratory. It has gradually become a national digital economy industry cluster. One of the highest degree areas.Hangzhou has advanced experience and first-class conditions for hosting large-scale forum activities, and has successively successfully hostedG20International conferences such as the Hangzhou Summit and the Ninth BRICS National Statistical Office Directors Meeting.Not long ago, Premier Li Qiang spoke at the Boao Forum for Asia2023The “big event in Asia” that is also highlighted in the keynote speech of the annual conference is this year’s golden autumn season.19Asian Games and the4The 1st Asian Paralympic Games will be held in Hangzhou soon, and Zhejiang will create a more solid software and hardware environment for hosting international forums.

The United Nations World Data Forum is a global data event that brings together data producers and users.Hosting the 4th Forum is both to promote global development initiatives and implementation2030It is a powerful measure for the 2020 sustainable development agenda, and it is also a good opportunity to convey the voice of China’s statistics and show the image of Zhejiang as an important window.already2021Year8At the time of the bid for the month, the National Bureau of Statistics and our province made a commitment to the United Nations Statistical Commission to ensure a complete and successful holding of a global data event that is broadly inclusive, innovative and mutually learning. Focusing on this goal, our province has always adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping’s diplomatic thought, highlighted the work orientation of “safety and smoothness, showing style, and enhancing friendship”, strengthened overall planning, formulated detailed work plans, and carefully prepared for the forum.

First, strengthen organizational guarantees and establish a flat, integrated and efficient work system.as early as last year3In November, the provincial government established the Zhejiang Provincial Forum Preparatory Committee, which set up comprehensive coordination, undertaking preparation, forum publicity, exhibition display, and funding guarantee5A working class formulated the overall plan for the preparatory work and clarified the overall requirements for the preparatory work. Hangzhou City also established a municipal forum preparation and guarantee executive committee accordingly to promote the preparatory work in coordination. As the time for the forum is approaching, under the unified leadership and coordination of the Organizing Committee of the 4th United Nations World Data Forum, especially the National Bureau of Statistics, we have implemented “one special class, one set of mechanisms, one platform, one opening, one catch To the end” flat working mode, the national, provincial and municipal preparatory agencies work together on site, making the preparatory work more efficient, precise and coordinated.

Second, strengthen the network platform and build the Chinese official website of the Data Forum and an online conference platform.2moon7On October 1, the Chinese official website of the United Nations World Data Forum was officially launched. On this website, we set up a news center, agenda and activities, exhibitions, registration entrance, service center, previous forums, etc.6first-level columns and23A second-level column is set up for the forum to build a window for network publicity reports and conference services.3moon24The United Nations World Data Forum online conference platform was officially launched on March 1, 2019. With the goal of “smooth, clear, and safe”, we provide functions such as information release, video conference reservation, recording and broadcasting, text interaction and other functions through this conference platform to improve the video quality. Integrated services such as meetings, forum live recording and broadcasting, guest interaction and conference management, build a platform for online conferences for forum promotion, conference registration, conference participation, discussion, and information acquisition.

Third, strengthen the security of conference affairs and improve various supporting services such as venue hotels, exhibitions, voluntary services, medical insurance, fire protection and security.We have implemented theG20The venue of the summit——Hangzhou International Expo Center, as the main venue of the forum, carefully promotes the planning and arrangement of various conferences of the forum and the layout design of the functional area of ​​the venue, actively guarantees various equipment and facilities, and comprehensively provides the whole process of meticulous services such as conference housekeeper and technical support . According to the principles of reasonable distance, complete facilities, and thoughtful service, we specially arranged Hangzhou International Expo Center Hotel (Beichen Hotel), Hangzhou Ruili Jianghehui Hotel, and Hangzhou Yingguan Sofitel Hotel as reception hotels around the venue. We have specially set up an exhibition display area, and cooperated with the National Bureau of Statistics to do a good job of on-site exhibitions and online exhibitions such as “Global Vision, China’s Smart Statistics, Digital Zhejiang, Hangzhou Practice, and Data Industry”, and take the initiative to talk about Zhejiang and Hangzhou’s digital reform, Digital economy development story. For the volunteer team that has passed the selection and training of the Hangzhou Asian Organizing Committee, we carefully selected a group of excellent volunteers, strengthened business training, and provided detailed and thoughtful volunteers for the forum, such as conference reception, exhibition services, and translation explanations. Serve. We continue to improve our work plans for medical security, fire safety, and emergency response, highlight fineness and precision, and strengthen simulation drills to ensure high-standard, high-quality, and efficient completion of various conference affairs of the World Data Forum.

Dear friends from the media, ladies and gentlemen! April is the most beautiful day in the world. April is the most beautiful season in Hangzhou. It is picturesque and full of spring. We look forward to gathering with you at the beautiful West Lake to participate in the global data event and discuss the grand development of the digital economy! Welcome to Hangzhou, see you all in Hangzhou!

Mao Shengyong:

Thank you, Executive Vice Governor Xu Wenguang. Now we invite media reporters to ask questions.

Xinhua News Agency reporter:

Compared with the previous three sessions, what are the characteristics and highlights of this forum? With the current global data governance and the rapid development of the digital economy, what statistical frontier issues will be discussed and studied in the agenda of this forum?

Kang Yi:

Thank you for your question. Compared with the previous three forums, this forum focuses on “promoting sustainable development, promoting inclusiveness and mutual learning, contributing Chinese wisdom, and deepening global development cooperation” as the general idea, and strives to reflect the requirements of the times, Chinese characteristics, innovation orientation, and common ideas. There are three main features:

One is to highlight the value of data.The theme of this forum is “Embracing Data Win-win future” as the theme slogan. Embracing data means that data is inseparable from future development. Everyone is a producer of data, as well as a user and beneficiary of data. Data value. A win-win future indicates that the realization of data value will effectively help the development of an intelligent society and better promote the implementation of the United Nations2030The 2020 Sustainable Development Agenda for a better future for the world. This theme slogan embodies the relationship between today’s human society and data, as well as the great value of data resources, and will guide all parties to conduct in-depth discussions and deepen cooperation, share responsibilities in the digital age, and jointly seek the future of digital civilization.

The second is to focus on future development. This forum includes four thematic areas, namely data innovation and cooperation, mining data value, improving data credibility and building a good data ecology.These four themes are closely related and interpenetrating, focusing on the important role of data in global governance and economic recovery, closely related to cutting-edge technologies and advanced theories in the field of data, and committed to promoting the production and utilization of statistical data, data ecosystem innovation and collaboration in various countries Exchanges and mutual learning in the fields of modern information technology such as big data and government statistics integration and development, will promote the common development of global statistics and promote the implementation of the United Nations2030Make new contributions to statistical monitoring of the 2010 Sustainable Development Goals and building a more fair and reasonable global data governance system.

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The third is to embody Chinese characteristics.As the host country, the China Plenary Session, with the theme of “New Opportunities and New Challenges Using Data to Make Decisions, Use Data to Govern, and Use Data to Innovate”, focuses on the exploration and practice of digital transformation, statistically measures people’s livelihood, and interprets development with data.GDPcomprehensive and accurate measurement of sustainable development, etc.3In this aspect, business representatives, experts and scholars from international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Bank, and the International Statistical Institute, as well as SF Express, Peking University, Renmin University of China, etc. will give invited reports or comments to deepen data exchange and mutual learning, and enhance understanding Understand and build consensus. The plenary session will actively share China’s experience. We carefully designed the digital transformation of the government, big data to help the transformation and development of enterprises, etc., and shared China’s specific practices and effective practices. The plenary session will seriously put forward the Chinese plan.we are traditionalGDPOn the basis of accounting, the “beyondGDP“Project research, research and construction of a comprehensive statistical system covering the environment, resources, well-being, etc., in order to better implement global development initiatives and the United Nations2030The 2020 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

This forum has a total of72One topic will be selected for discussion in parallel sessions, and some topics will be presented in special activities such as “Exhibition Showcase”, “Learning Lab” and “Group Discussion”. All topics closely follow the development trend of global data governance and digital economy, reflecting the latest progress and thinking in the field of data and statistics. For example, focusing on how to use data to benefit all users, we will discuss in depth the full integration of data and statistics, refine data dimensions, continuously apply new technologies, data-driven algorithms to integrate data, improve services, and make new data sources meet the needs of all groups. For another example, focusing on how to release greater value from data, we will discuss in depth how to use data to better improve people’s lives, serve macro decision-making, and resist misinformation and data abuse. For another example, focusing on how to improve data management, we will discuss in-depth micro-data acquisition solutions, best practices in data management, ethical guidelines for data use and sharing, and legal frameworks related to data applications. In addition, focusing on how to use data to serve future development, we will discuss in depth the promotion of coordination and cooperation mechanisms in the global, regional and national data fields, and the establishment of partnerships between the public and private sectors. All in all, the participants will mobilize various resources to support data development by exchanging ideas, discussing innovations, and demonstrating practices, so as to provide new and effective paths for promoting sustainable development and improving data quality. Thanks!

Economic Daily reporter:

This forum is held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. What are the unique advantages and conditions of Hangzhou, Zhejiang?

Xu Wenguang:

Thanks to this friend from the media for your question. The reason why this forum was chosen to be held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, I think the main reason is that Zhejiang, as a leading province in the development of digital economy, and Hangzhou, as the birthplace of China’s e-commerce, have more obvious influence at home and abroad, and more attention from all parties. To sum up, there are four main characteristics.

One is the powerful science and technology innovation platform. For example, I also mentioned earlier that Zhijiang Laboratory has been included in the national laboratory system.2020Year12The United Nations Big Data Global Platform China Regional Center was officially unveiled in Hangzhou in July, bringing more innovative technologies and scientific methods to the development and application of big data. A group of city brains and video perception platforms have been selected into the national new generation artificial intelligence open innovation platform.

Second, innovation momentum is strong.We promote “Industrial Brain”+The “Future Factory” model has comprehensively improved the level of intelligent manufacturing. The R&D intensity of the digital economy’s core industries, the R&D investment intensity of the whole society, the major scientific and technological research projects of the digital economy, and the net inflow rate of Internet talents have all remained at the forefront of the country year after year.

Three is the rapid development of the industry.The scale of Zhejiang’s electronic information manufacturing industry and software industry ranks third and fourth in the country respectively, digital security and cloud computing develop rapidly, and digital high-tech enterprises reach1.1Wanjia, the world500strong enterprise1A company with an annual revenue exceeding 100 billion yuan2home, over 10 billion enterprises45home, listed company164Home.

Fourth, the infrastructure is complete.We continue to deepen the construction of the national digital economy innovation and development pilot zone, create a demonstration province for digital new infrastructure innovation, be the first to launch a new national Internet exchange center, and build various data centers202including large and above data centers20The number and scale are among the top in the country.

Of course, I also introduced earlier that Hangzhou has advanced experience and first-class conditions for hosting large-scale forum activities, and has beautiful natural landscapes and profound cultural heritage. These are also the reasons for attracting the forum to land. As the saying goes: hearing is believing, seeing is believing. We still sincerely invite everyone to go to Zhejiang and Hangzhou to take a walk, take a look, drink a cup of Longjing tea, enjoy the scenery of West Lake, and experience the vitality and momentum of the digital economy development in Zhejiang and Hangzhou. Thanks!

Hangzhou Daily reporter:

What new opportunities and opportunities does this forum bring to promote the implementation of global development initiatives and the sustainable development agenda? What important results will be produced?

Kang Yi:

Thank you for your question. Development is the eternal theme of human society and an important measure of the progress of the times.2015Year9In November, President Xi Jinping attended the United Nations Development Summit and unanimously adopted the “Transforming Our World:2030The 2019 Agenda for Sustainable Development has drawn up an action blueprint for global development and opened a new voyage of international development cooperation.2021Year9In January, President Xi Jinping put forward a global development initiative at the UN General Assembly to promote the2030Start again with the 2020 Sustainable Development Agenda and promote the building of a global development community.United Nations2030The 2020 Agenda for Sustainable Development includes17sustainable development goals and169This specific goal, in addition to retaining the development priorities of poverty reduction, health care, education and food security in the Millennium Development Goals, also includes broader economic, social, environmental, cultural and other development goals. The realization of these development goals is inseparable from the specific quantification of statistical data and the timely reflection of statistical monitoring. This forum will carry out in-depth discussions on “Sustainable Development Data”, which will effectively promote the global data and statistics community to increase consensus and deepen cooperation in exchanges, mutual learning and mutual learning, and further promote the improvement of the global indicator framework for sustainable development goals. Data sources and coverage, promote the application of new data resources, improve indicator monitoring capabilities, and fill data gaps, etc., to inject stronger impetus into the implementation of global development initiatives and sustainable development agendas.

During the forum, the United Nations will launch the revised Cape Town Global Action Plan on Sustainable Development Goal Data to better coordinate, produce and use sustainable development data and to more effectively assess national, regional and global implementation2030progress towards the goals and targets of the 2020 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Please wait and see. Thanks!

Zhejiang Daily reporter:

Zhejiang Province is vigorously implementing the “No. 1 Development Project” for digital economy innovation and quality improvement. May I ask: Zhejiang’s plans and arrangements for making good use of the results of this World Data Forum to boost Zhejiang’s digital economy innovation and quality improvement “No. 1 Development Project”?

Xu Wenguang:

Thanks to this friend from the media for your question. This is exactly the big topic we are planning to think about right now. This year is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and it is also the year when General Secretary Xi Jinping personally planned and implemented the “Eight Eighth Strategy” when he was working in Zhejiang.20Anniversary, in such a special year, the Provincial Party Committee put forward the major task of Zhejiang work, which is to implement the “Eight-Eight Strategy” in depth, and create an “important window” with the “two advances” of common prosperity and provincial modernization. Focusing on this major topic, we will focus on the implementation of the “No. 1 Development Project” for digital economy innovation and quality improvement, the “No. 1 Reform Project” for business environment optimization and improvement, and the “No. 1 Opening Project” for improving the sweet potato economy.

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The 4th United Nations World Data Forum will be held with the theme of “Embracing Data With the theme of “win-win future”, the participants focused on data production, data use, data ethics, data ecology, etc., seeking solutions, discussing future strategies, and exploring innovative achievements. The exchange feast of colliding ideas will also gather wisdom and gather strength for Zhejiang to implement the deployment of network power and digital China, deeply implement the “No.

We will take this forum as an opportunity to actively make good use of the results and spillover effects of the forum, strengthen in-depth exchanges and practical cooperation with all parties at the provincial level, and implement rolling implementation of digital key core technology breakthroughs, data element value release, and digital industry competition. Advantage improvement, “industrial brain+“Future factory” empowerment, leading digital consumption innovation, strong foundation of new infrastructure, innovation and development of platform economy, and vitality of digital ecology stimulate eight major tackling actions, strive to promote industrial energy level and innovation ability to “high”, accelerate digital empowerment, data The value is “integrated” to improve efficiency, promote digital governance and digital inclusiveness to “new”, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system with the digital economy as the core, and make every effort to build a strong digital economy province, and strive to advance the common prosperity of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It provides strong support for the “two firsts” of modernization and provincial modernization first. Thank you!

China News Service reporter:

In terms of strengthening international cooperation in the field of data, what considerations does the National Bureau of Statistics of China have?

Kang Yi:

Thank you for your question. The National Bureau of Statistics attaches great importance to opening up statistics to the outside world. We will take this forum as an opportunity to further strengthen international exchanges and cooperation in statistics.

The first is to strengthen mutual learning with the global statistical community. Use the forum platform to learn from the world’s advanced statistical concepts and experience, accelerate the construction of statistical survey methods and indicator systems that are in line with international standards, strengthen statistical cooperation and exchanges in the fields of digital economy and new economy, and further promote China’s statistical modernization reform.

The second is to increase its contribution to global statistical capacity building. The China-United Nations Statistical Capacity Development Trust Fund Project has been implemented for more than ten years, and has carried out useful explorations in promoting international advanced statistical methods and technologies and improving the statistical capacity of developing countries. In the future, we will hold more international trainings through trust funds, and make more contributions to the promotion of statistical capabilities in the Asia-Pacific region and even the world.

The third is to serve the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative. Many “Belt and Road” countries actively participated in this forum. Our bureau will use this opportunity to promote statistical exchanges with “Belt and Road” countries, carry out practical cooperation, and share China’s statistical experience and practices.

The fourth is to consolidate and expand international exchanges and cooperation in statistics. Deepen statistical cooperation among BRICS countries to promote the development and progress of BRICS statistics; continue to hold the China-ASEAN Statistical Forum, deeply participate in the research and application of the United Nations global platform for big data, and make Chinese contributions to the construction of a global data governance system. Thanks!

  CCTV reporter from China Central Radio and Television:

In recent years, China’s response and accelerated actions to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals have contributed experience and solutions to the world. I would like to ask: What is the significance of holding a data forum for China to promote high-quality development?

Kang Yi:

Thank you for your question. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly pointed out that high-quality development is the primary task of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and is one of the essential requirements of Chinese-style modernization. The new development pattern in which domestic and international dual cycles promote each other as the main body further highlights the overall and long-term significance of development quality, points out the direction for promoting high-quality development, and establishes a guide for action. The United Nations World Data Forum is a large-scale international exchange event hosted by my country after the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It is of great significance to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, strengthen national data and statistics capacity building, and promote high-quality development.

First of all, holding a data forum is conducive to the high-quality development of high-quality statistical monitoring services. The World Data Forum is an international cooperation and exchange platform for the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. At this forum, government officials from international organizations, relevant national statistics and data management departments, as well as representatives from academia, enterprises, and civil society will gather together to discuss mining the value of data, improving data credibility, and the application of big data in government statistics, etc. Conduct in-depth exchanges, discuss cutting-edge topics, and share practical experience.This will play an important role in promoting the enrichment of my country’s high-quality development of statistical monitoring methods, further improvement of the statistical monitoring indicator system, improvement of statistical method systems, and improvement of the quality of statistical data. At the same time, it will also promote the common development of global statistics and promote the2030Make new Chinese contributions to statistical monitoring of the 2010 Sustainable Development Goals.

Secondly, holding a data forum is conducive to providing a favorable opportunity for the development of the digital economy. In recent years, my country’s digital economy has achieved world-renowned development achievements. The scale of the digital economy has ranked second in the world for many years. The digital economy has become an important engine to promote high-quality development, providing a strong impetus for the sustainable and healthy economic and social development. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made important arrangements for accelerating the construction of a digital China, pointing out that it is necessary to accelerate the development of the digital economy and promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy. This forum carefully designed the content of the government’s digital transformation and big data to help enterprises transform and develop. Through in-depth exchanges and sharing of data production, utilization, management practices and achievements, it will further deepen international cooperation in the digital economy and better promote the digital transformation of enterprises. Provide new opportunities for the development of my country’s digital economy.

Third, holding a data forum is conducive to creating a good international environment for high-quality development. This forum is an important action to implement Xi Jinping’s diplomatic thought, a concrete measure to implement the global development initiative and sustainable development agenda, and an effective way to accelerate China’s statistical modernization reform. We will give full play to the advantages of the host country, disseminate and share China’s experience and innovative practices in digital governance and digital government with the world, enhance mutual trust, build consensus, expand cooperation, and create a favorable international environment for high-quality development. At the same time, the forum will build a platform for government statistical cooperation and exchange, fully publicize the achievements of Chinese government statistical work, and enhance the international discourse power and influence of Chinese government statistics. Thanks!

Mao Shengyong:

I sincerely thank all media reporters for their long-term concern and support for statistical work, and for your attention and support for the 4th United Nations World Data Forum. I also sincerely hope that you will continue to pay attention to and vigorously publicize and report on the activities and achievements of the World Data Forum. . This concludes today’s press conference, thank you all!

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