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Job vacancies for victims of violence in Cali

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Job vacancies for victims of violence in Cali

As part of the actions carried out for the National Day of Remembrance and Solidarity with the Victims of the Armed Conflict, which was commemorated on April 9, the Sena announced 3,000 vacancies to which these people can aspire in person in the national day of attention that will be carried out in all the departments of the country.

From 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Service points will be available in the different regions of Colombia. In Valle del Cauca, the fair will take place simultaneously in three offices of the Public Employment Agency – APE del Sena located in Cali, Palmira and Buenaventura. Learn about the schedule and directions at this link.

“The vacancies offered in the Valle Regional are directed at different positions from the operational, assistance, technical, technological level and some others for professionals, which presents a broad panorama for search engines. This way, We are a bridge for people to be able to connect successfully in the labor market“said Jorge Humberto Peña, regional coordinator of the APE in the Valley.

In addition to applying for available vacancies, attendees will be able to participate in talks on how to access the entity’s training courses, tips for creating resume and job interviewas well as entrepreneurship workshops.

labor competencies

Figures from the Entity indicate that in the last year more than a million victims were trained with the SENA and that the Emprende Fundr delivered more than 18,000 million pesos for the creation of 232 projects led by people from this population, who currently generate more than 1,000 jobs.

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In the same period, 28,107 certifications of labor competencies were registered for the victim population and from the SENA Public Employment Agency a total of 326,404 job orientations were reported and 63,058 placements.

Rosalba Serrano, displaced by the violence in Cúcuta, wants to follow the same path. This woman made the decision to start a business and will receive advice from SENA to formalize her sweatshirt manufacturing business and make it grow in the national market.

“The sound of the sewing machine makes me want to stop to learn and fight for life. For this reason, I decided to approach the Emprender Fund. In this process I want to offer employment to more women and export my productsRosalba says.

With this job fair, SENA seeks to productively incorporate victims of violence and combat stigmatization in the labor market, contributing to their dignity and improving their quality of life.


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