Home » VALLEY INTRASCA MARATHON 2023 | Sportdimontagna.com

VALLEY INTRASCA MARATHON 2023 | Sportdimontagna.com

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VALLEY INTRASCA MARATHON 2023 |  Sportdimontagna.com

he ambitions of the Organizing Committee are taking shape in a weekend, that of 2/3/4 June, which will be truly unforgettable for those who love the mountains and sport in general: it will start on Friday 2 June with an evening dedicated to Outdoor Sport which will international guests; The ZERO edition of the Verbania Outdoor Festival will be held on Saturday 3 June, a day of sport and product testing with free participation, with sector companies and VCO sports associations. In the late afternoon, bib delivery ceremony followed by an aperitif in the square prepared by the traders of Verbania Intra and tasting of B-up (B stands for Burki), a refreshing drink made from whey, lemon and Ossola honey – ideal for sports enthusiasts – produced by the Alpe Burki agritourism in Macugnaga.

Sunday obviously the highlight, with the two scheduled races, the Marathon and the Half Marathon and finally the big party with the Pasta Party which for the first time will be held under the Imbarcadero Vecchio of Verbania Intra, a few meters from the heart of the event, Piazza Ranzoni.


Also in 2023 the Valle Intrasca Marathon, which is affiliated to FSA/Csen and authorized by CONI and FIDAL, will feature two routes: Valle Intrasca, the historic one, albeit with various changes over the years, from 33.75 km, with a positive and negative difference in height of 1,625 m, and the Mezza Valle Intrasca, 17.3 km long and a positive and negative difference in height of 375 m.

Both races will start and finish in Verbania Intra in that Piazza Ranzoni which will increasingly be the fulcrum of the event.

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There are already about fifty couples registered for the two scheduled distances: among other things, there are also two German teams.

We remind you that it is possible to register both on the site maratonavalleintrasca.it both, this year’s great novelty, directly on the site wedosport.net. Here are the 2023 odds:

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