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New pixel phone should be more compact again

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New pixel phone should be more compact again

In a few weeks, Google will give a first look at the upcoming pixel smartphones. According to rumors, these will be a little more compact again. Is the trend of ever larger smartphones over?

Bild: Google Pixel 7 (Pro)

Are smartphones getting smaller again? At least that’s the impression you get when you look at the current and upcoming flagship models of the major manufacturers. As can be seen from media reports, Google will probably shift down a gear and make the next pixel phone more compact.

The Google Pixel 8 should have a screen diagonal of 6.16 inches. This would make it a fair bit smaller than its two predecessors. While the current Pixel phone is 6.3 inches, the Pixel 6 even had 6.4 inches to offer. Only the Pixel 5 was even smaller at 5.81 inches.

A colorful and high-contrast OLED panel should once again be used. In addition, the integration of an ultrasonic fingerprint sensor is planned in the screen. Nothing is known about the refresh rate yet. While the competition is already using 120 Hertz displays, Google is currently content with 90 Hertz. That could possibly change with the Pixel 8.

As part of the Google I/O on May 10th, the manufacturer will most likely present the upcoming smartphones. It will not only be about the Pixel 8, but also about the cheaper Pixel 7a, which is expected to be released in summer 2023. Of course we will inform you about all important announcements here on the blog.

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