Home » Qin Baoqiang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, emphasized that when he was working on-site in the economic development zone to study the planning and promotion of major projects, he emphasized that the projects must be in-depth, the projects should be new and realistic, and more and better high-quality projects should be used to support high-quality development_Luohe Municipal People’s Government

Qin Baoqiang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, emphasized that when he was working on-site in the economic development zone to study the planning and promotion of major projects, he emphasized that the projects must be in-depth, the projects should be new and realistic, and more and better high-quality projects should be used to support high-quality development_Luohe Municipal People’s Government

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Qin Baoqiang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, emphasized that when he was working on-site in the economic development zone to study the planning and promotion of major projects, he emphasized that the projects must be in-depth, the projects should be new and realistic, and more and better high-quality projects should be used to support high-quality development_Luohe Municipal People’s Government

Qin Baoqiang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, emphasized when he was working on the site in the Economic Development Zone to study the planning and promotion of major projects

Seek deep and accurate projects Make new and solid plans to support high-quality development with more and better high-quality projects

Release date: 2023-04-17 10:06

Source: Luohe Daily

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After the on-site observation of the province’s “Ten Thousand People Helping Ten Thousand Enterprises” activity, on April 14, Qin Baoqiang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, went to work in the Economic Development Zone to study the planning and promotion of major projects. City leaders Zhou Xinhe, Zhou Jian, Rong Zhiguang and others participated.

After listening to the reports of the Economic Development Zone, Weilong Delicious Foods, and Litong Technology on the promotion of major project planning, Qin Baoqiang put forward clear requirements on project planning ideas, implementation paths, and element guarantees, emphasizing that all levels and departments of the city should deepen the “ten thousand people to help” “Thousand Enterprises” activities, improve the whole-process closed-loop promotion mechanism of the “three batches” and “three 50 billion” major projects. Efficiency and other progress in each link, and support high-quality development with more and better high-quality projects.

Qin Baoqiang pointed out that the economic development zone is the main battlefield, main position, and main engine of the city’s economic development and project construction, and it should play a greater role in the overall development. First, we must be the pioneers of high-quality development in the city, insist on projects as the king, innovation-driven, stabilize the basic market, and create growth points. In particular, we must increase the “gold content”, “new content” and “green content” of projects. Second, we must strengthen brand awareness, encourage and guide enterprises to challenge themselves, expand the market, improve products, strengthen brands, and continuously improve their core competitiveness. The third is to make new and practical plans, strictly follow the “three districts and three lines” and the overall planning of land and space, combine policy orientation, market demand, innovation advantages, and corporate strategies to boldly plan and implement projects, and gather expert teams, corporate executives, and city and county forces. Demonstration, focusing on improving the industrial ecology to attract industrial chain projects and promote cluster development. Fourth, we must adhere to market-oriented, technology-led, and enterprise-based, improve the project life cycle management service mechanism, create the “six most” business environment, and allow enterprises to develop with peace of mind, peace of mind, and comfort. Fifth, we must build a strong Henan Luohe Food International Cooperation Industrial Park, focusing on laying the foundation in one year and developing an image in three years, speeding up project attraction and implementation, and building Zhengluo into a leader in the modern food industry.

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Qin Baoqiang pointed out that Weilong Delicious Foods and Litong Technology should give full play to their advantages, strengthen their determination, consolidate and expand their leading positions in the industry, and make greater contributions to the high-quality development of Luohe. Weilong delicious food should focus on “flavor, nutrition, and balance”, promote products to be more high-end, healthy, and brand-oriented, and develop and lead the leisure food consumer market. Litong Technology should focus on strengthening its main business, deepen R&D and innovation, and enhance its core competitiveness. It is necessary to give full play to the power of the government and the role of the market, strengthen the in-depth demonstration of the planning and generation of projects, promote one by one when they are mature, and promote the orderly implementation of projects to help enterprises become bigger and stronger.

Edit: liangy

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