Home » Bakuchiol: the natural anti-aging that competes with retinol

Bakuchiol: the natural anti-aging that competes with retinol

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Bakuchiol: the natural anti-aging that competes with retinol

Improve wrinkles and fight acne: the bakuchiol has attracted the interest of the cosmetic industry due to its properties and potential benefits for skin care.

In this article

What is bakuchiol

Il bakuchiol is a molecule extracted from the leaves and seeds of the Indian plant Psoralea Corylifolia, also known as Babchi. In Ayurvedic medicine these seeds are used in the form of pastes and ointments for the treatment of various conditions such as alopecia, psoriasis and eczema. The ingredient has long been known and used in India and China for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. In our market, on the other hand, it has only become famous in recent years, as a possible vegetable alternative to retinol.

A possible substitute for retinol

Il retinol it is the product antiaging for excellence. It is derived from vitamin A and is used to correct wrinkles, blemishes and acne. However, it is not always well tolerated and in certain types of sensitive skin it can cause irritation and burning. Usually to avoid these side effects you start applying it with small doses every other night, and then gradually increase its use. Retinol is also photosensitizing, that is, it increases the sensitivity of the skin to the sun’s rays, making it more exposed to skin reactions. Its use is also not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Il bakuchiol bears no structural resemblance to retinol, but acts on the skin with very similar effects. In fact, it has the ability to stimulate the production of collagen, slowing down the appearance of the signs of aging. It also has anti-acne, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This active ingredient is gentler on the skin and unlike retinol is not photosensitizing.

Benefits and contraindications

On the retinol There are more studies which demonstrate its anti-aging efficacy. However, bakuchiol has characteristics that make it an interesting ingredient to integrate into your skincare (for example, to alternate with retinol during periods when it cannot be used). If you are curious to try it, it can be found in many serums, creams and face oils of various brands, often in combination with other active ingredients.

Specifically, who it is for sensitive to retinolthe bakuchiol could represent a Valid alternative. It is not known to cause skin irritation or sensitivity and can be combined with many ingredients. However, like any substance, it can give reactions or irritations and for this reason it is advisable to test it and start using it gradually. It is said that bakuchiol can also be used in pregnancy and breastfeeding but since they are still there few scientific studies in this regard, it is always better to ask your doctor for advice.

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