Home » Sudan, dozens of hospitals closed and truce violated. Germany blocks the evacuation of 150 German citizens

Sudan, dozens of hospitals closed and truce violated. Germany blocks the evacuation of 150 German citizens

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Sudan, dozens of hospitals closed and truce violated.  Germany blocks the evacuation of 150 German citizens

The situation remains dramatic Sudanwhere fighting has been going on for five days between regular army and paramilitary forces, linked in various ways to Russia and the mercenaries of the group Wagner. The healthcare it is collapsing, with 39 of the capital’s 59 hospitals out of service, amid evacuations forced e bombing. The remaining “risk of being closed due to lack of medical personnel” and various types of supplies including electricity. Despite the 24-hour truce achieved following a international mediation – which began at 6 pm on 18 April – fighting resumed and 30 people have been killed since the beginning of the suspension of hostilities. So far there are almost 200 dead and over 1,800 injured. Gunfire, artillery shelling and air raids rocked the capital Khartoum and the city of Omdurman, while civilians remain locked in their homes to try to escape the clashes. Both the armed forces, led by the general Abdul Fattah Burhanthat the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militias of General Mohammed Hamdan Dagalohad pledged to respect the truce after speaking with the US secretary of state, Antony Blink. The objective of the ceasefire was to favor a more lasting halt to hostilities and an eventual return of the parties to the table of negotiations.

Due to the ongoing fighting, the Germania blocked an army operation to evacuate the approximately 150 German citizens. Second The mirrorthe mission involved the use of three transport aircraft A400M. The planes had landed in Greece to refuel fuel, but the army decided not to let them continue due to reports of clashes and air raids a Khartoum which, evidently, would have made the mission too dangerous.

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The 24 hour truce – It immediately appeared out of control, given that, half an hour after the beginning of the ceasefire, shots were still being heard in the center of Khartoum. Such a dangerous picture that the three mediators of the regional organization Igad – he is the leader KenyaSud Sudan e Djibouti – had to postpone the departure at a time of Khartoum. Although no one was injured, a US diplomatic convoy was hit by gunfire. The paramilitaries of Rfs they would also have raided the homes of UN employees and an NGO in the capital, assaults that resulted in kidnappings, sexual abuse and looting. And after the attack on the EU ambassador in Sudan, the Irish Aidan O’Harathe ambassador’s residence was devastated Kuwait, Fahad Al-Dhafiri. At least 16 hospitals, including four at Khartoum hit by aerial bombardments, they stopped working. In addition to the capital, clashes are also reported in the western state of Darfur. Once allies in the two coups that ousted the nearly 30-year-old Sudanese autocrat Omar al-Bashir in April 2019 and marginalized civilians in October 2021, the two generals clashed over when and how the military would be absorbed into the ranks of the Rsfmilitiamen who followed the infamous “Janjaweed” militias, the “devils on horseback” of the civil war in Darfur of the 2000s.

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