Home » Senator José Alfredo Gnecco would not resign from Congress

Senator José Alfredo Gnecco would not resign from Congress

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Senator José Alfredo Gnecco would not resign from Congress

Last Monday, March 27, the Supreme Court of Justice announced that it opened an investigation and summoned Senator José Alfredo Gnecco to investigatefor bribery and prevarication by omission. The foregoing for the alleged payment of $150 million Luis Gustavo Moreno to delay an investigation against his father Lucas Gnecco, former governor of Cesar.

As revealed by El Tiempo, the Investigation Chamber scheduled the investigation for next May 3 at 9 am In this sense, EL PILÓN learned that the senator would not have thought of resigning from the Congress of the Republic.


if the senator Jose Alfredo Gnecco remains in the Congress of the Republic, as indicated by the Legislative Act 01 of 2018, the Supreme Court will continue to investigate the alleged criminal acts. In the event that it is tried in the first instance, there is an appeal before the Criminal Cassation Chamber of the Supreme Court.

On the other hand, if the senator makes the decision to resign his seat, The Supreme Court must determine whether the facts for which it is investigating him are related to his function as a congressman. If it determines that they are related to his distinction, despite his resignation, the investigation would remain in court. If they determine that the facts are not related to his charge, the process would go to the Attorney General’s Office.


In February of this year, Arturo Char resigned from the Senate of the Republic. Char is being investigated for allegedly buying votes, according to the testimonies of former congresswoman Aida Merlano. After the inquest, the Court will determine if he maintains the case or lands on the General Prosecutor of the Nation.

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But, without a doubt, the former president alvaro uribe stars in one of the most notorious trials. “As the facts investigated by the Criminal Investigation Chamber were not related to his status as a congressman, once he resigned from Congress, the process of the former president passed to the Attorney General’s Office”, explained a lawyer to EL PILÓN.

According to the professional, if he were to resign, the process against Senator José Alfredo Gnecco would go to the Attorney General because the facts investigated are not within his functions as a congressman.

This investigation arose as a result of a testimony of the ex-prosecutor Gustavo Moreno given in 2018, just before being extradited to the United States. On that occasion, as he revealed The viewerthe former anti-corruption prosecutor told the Supreme Court that he received $150 million of Senator José Alfredo Gnecco “in the office of former magistrate Francisco Ricaurte, located north of Bogotá”.


By Deivis Caro

[email protected]

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