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Democracy, a deceptive instrument of negotiation and domination

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Democracy, a deceptive instrument of negotiation and domination

It is not true that democracy is the “government of the people and for the people”, as it is defined; not even in Greece did that happen; There they held deliberative assemblies, but neither women nor slaves participated in them, only the philosophers made the decisions; 2,500 years later, this has changed little, with the difference that now there are no philosophers or thinkers, but merchants and tax collectors in the places where laws are made.

Our Congress of the Republic, with some exceptions, is nothing more than a legitimate negotiating enclave with the executive where each party and each member try to obtain their own advantages, different from those of the people they claim to represent. Few things are approved here without the well-known “how am I going”, CVY, and there are red lines that the parties are not willing to cross because it is preferable to keep the goose that lays the golden eggs alive than any change, no matter how unequivocal and necessary it may seem. be; change scares them because their shadows give them away.

Of course, in these negotiations some earn more than others, especially the so-called party leaders who seem more like sheep drivers. The discipline for dogs that was talked about many years ago is still in force or, perhaps, many eunuchs accept it to wash their hands. This concept of caucus is undemocratic because it prevents the full deliberation that connects the congressman with his voter and with national needs. Plus, when there are financial affinities between the executive branch and congress and sometimes ideological ones, any transaction is possible. Let us remember that famous “little article”, the size of a constitution, which allowed the re-election of Álvaro Uribe with a single vote forced by blackmail and threats in the name of democratic security, not so secure, which violated the Constitution with the endorsement of a court scared.

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There were prisoners, losses of investiture, physical and political deaths, but it was agreed, the bureaucracy and the power of contracting and intimidation of the executive was above democracy. It is this vileness that they call democracy. A decent dictatorship committed to popular causes is preferable to a rotten democracy run by pirates. Now, with an alternative and progressive government, with clear purposes for the country and with the voter, the level of negotiation regarding the reforms presented to Congress becomes precarious because the interests of the executive do not coincide with those of the parliamentary majority that prefers to sacrifice the changes if these are above their ambitions and personal privileges.

That is why the five reforms that the government has presented to Congress, which do not wait, have a reserved prognosis. But it is the health reform that has caused the greatest stampede; many of those who have to vote are EPS owners or derive income from them. Colombia is the only country in the world where private parties manage public resources that are then not controlled by the State. The EPS finance electoral campaigns and invest in private projects with the money they deny to patients.

Perhaps they never believed that the missing $24 billion case would be discovered, Petro’s victory was never in their plans. The despair is total, the riot led by representative Uzcátegui on the grounds of Congress has no precedents; the threats made there to President Petro under the police’s nose seemed concerted.

It is condemnable that another Mapiripán is forged in Congress and the House of Nariño, Uzcátegui’s tantrums are pathological. We are accustomed to seeing the police insult, for no reason, the street vendors, but we do not understand how they are complacent with inciters in full parliamentary sessions, by people who, due to the exalted way they were, it cannot be ruled out that they were armed It seems as if General Sanabria’s forced prayers and retreats have not achieved balance and equanimity in the police forces. Someone has to pay in this neo front line.

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By Louis Napoleon of Arms Fr.

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