Home » Labor reform, informality and unemployment: Anato

Labor reform, informality and unemployment: Anato

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Labor reform, informality and unemployment: Anato

According to Dane, in 2022, there was a 40% reduction in employed personnel in Travel Agencies, an aspect that has not had the same rate of recovery as general employment in the country.

“This could cause problems in a context of expected economic slowdown. We consider that the Labor Reform does not attack two of the most serious labor problems that the sector is suffering: informality and unemployment, since the document is aimed at the formally employed, who are the minority, leaving increasingly pronounced entry barriers for the informal and unemployed”, explained Paula Cortés Calle, executive president of Anato.

In the tourism sector, for the most part, work is done 7 days a week, so starting the night shift at 6 pm and not, as it is today, the day shift between 6 am and 9 pm, would have surcharges. 35%, which would aggravate the costs of businessmen in the sector.

This would be thought under measures that were more common in business dynamics of the past, in which workers and companies provided services until 6 in the afternoon, which does not happen today.

Additionally, regarding Sundays and/or holidays, the proposed changes would have the following consequences: The Sunday and holiday surcharge would go from 75% to 100% of the hour; the surcharge for extra Sunday work and daytime holidays would go from 100% to 125% of the hour; the surcharge for Sunday and holiday night work will go from 110% to 135% of the hour; the surcharge for extra Sunday work and night holidays would go from 150% to 175% of the hour.

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The Government tries to seek stability for workers, returning as a general rule, that the way to hire in the country will be by contract for an indefinite term. In this way, the use of other labor contract models is lost, such as the permanent, occasional and work contracts, because it will only be possible to use them exceptionally, for temporary matters and in non-permanent activities of the ordinary course of business. company, which would affect the creation of new jobs.

It also raises the possibility of using the contract for the provision of services to a large extent, for natural persons in permanent and subordinate activities for the private sector.

Likewise, it is established that in case of non-compliance with the measure, it would bring serious economic consequences such as the declaration of employment contract and its corresponding payment of labor debts and, in any case, of the moratorium indemnity.

To this would be added that today Law 2101 of 2021 brings a gradual reduction in the working day, going from 48 hours a week to 42 hours gradually until 2026, starting in June of this year from 48 to 47 hours.

And he added: “We must take into account that our sector is seasonal and many people work weekends, holidays and overtime, which would increase costs for the employer and therefore informality and unemployment.”


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