Home » Just 1 amazing drink is enough to lower blood sugar and prevent diabetes

Just 1 amazing drink is enough to lower blood sugar and prevent diabetes

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When we talk about blood sugar, we mean the concentration of sugars in the blood, an important factor because its alteration is an alarm bell for health.

In fact, it is essential to keep blood sugar levels under control and a simple blood sample is enough to measure it.

To keep blood sugar at bay, you need to pay attention to your diet, combining physical activity to have beneficial effects on the body but also on the mind.

Just 1 amazing drink is enough to lower blood sugar and prevent diabetes

Green tea is a completely natural drink that is able to give us extraordinary beneficial effects on the body, obviously if taken in the right quantities.

This type of tea does not undergo fermentation processes and retains all its antioxidants and polyphenols, which also have slimming and anti-carcinogenic properties.

In addition, the antioxidants it contains are able to regulate blood glucose levels, also preventing type 1 and 2 diabetes.

If we drink it after having eaten, it can prevent insulin spikes, which is why it is a highly recommended product.

According to a study published in BMJ open diabetes research & care, consuming it would reduce the risk of mortality for those suffering from type 2 diabetes.

Not everyone knows that only 1 extraordinary drink is enough to lower blood sugar and prevent diabetes as well as obtaining numerous other beneficial effects.

We at ProiezionidiBorsa always recommend that you contact your GP, who will evaluate our specific situation for each type of problem.

More information

Green tea also helps us to purify the body, even a single cup a day would be enough to defeat water retention and purify ourselves well.

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But not only that, in fact a single cup can help us prevent some cardiovascular diseases such as, for example, circulatory disorders and the accumulation of bad cholesterol.

Furthermore, its antioxidants are also able to create a protective barrier against the harmful effects of cellular degeneration.

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