Home » Demand to postpone a religious season with admonition verses

Demand to postpone a religious season with admonition verses

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Demand to postpone a religious season with admonition verses
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Hamid Rezky from AzilalSaturday, April 22, 2023 – 05:11

Saleh Mosdaq, the collegial advisor to the Council of the Territorial Community Moulay Issa Ben Driss Bait Atab, addressed an open request of sympathy to both the Minister of the Interior and the governor of the Azilal province in order to intervene to prevent the idolatry of the head of the aforementioned group from organizing and reviving the season of the good guardian Moulay Issa Ben Driss and postponing it to a later time for reasons many.

The collective advisor of the Moulay Issa Bendriss Community Council appealed to the Minister of the Interior and the governor of the province to cancel or at least postpone the organization of this season until the improvement of conditions and the economic and social situation of the population and overcoming the drought crisis and high prices.

The collective counselor who belongs to the opposition considered the organization of this season a kind of luxury and waste of public money and does not reflect the concerns of the population and the pulse of the street due to the high prices and the successive years of drought, pointing out that the majority of the group’s residents live in very tragic economic and social conditions that plunged many of them into poverty and begging as a result of the deterioration of their purchasing power. .

What was mentioned in the collective advisor’s request is that organizing this season and at this particular time is a flagrant violation of the instructions contained in the Minister of the Interior Circular No. 18612 of October 12, 2022 regarding the preparation and implementation of the territorial collectivities’ budgets for the year 2023, especially in the aspect related to the efficiency and rationalization of the communal financial management; This is by reducing the maximum expenses for reception and organizing parties, conferences and seminars.

Musdaq indicated that it is better to spend the sums of money for organizing and reviving the season and allocating them to development projects for the benefit of the poor population of the group, and to provide and improve proximity services (cleaning, water and electricity sectors), stressing that it is more useful to allocate the group’s budget to raise the quality of the health, education and social care sectors instead of spending On occasion is not a priority at the moment for the population.

Commenting on the subject, Mohamed Boufarisi, head of the collegiate council of Moulay Issa bin Idriss, explained that the organization of this season is an event and a memory rooted and renewed throughout history that was only stopped by the Corona pandemic. Kingdomwide.

Boufarisi added: “Currently, seasons are being organized across the country, and it is an opportunity for recreation, especially among women and children, and for the kinship relationship between the tribes and circles of the group, as well as in order to move the wheel of the economy and encourage those interested in horses and taburidah.”

Ait cusp religious season Ministry of the Interior
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