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BRING – Greetings – News – EU

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Yesterday the Commission proposed to review the current rules concerning the marketing of a series of agri-food products, such as fruit and vegetables, fruit juices and jams, honey, poultry or eggs. The proposed revisions should help consumers make informed choices for a healthier diet and help prevent food waste.
Among the choices proposed by the Commission:
origin labelling – clearer and mandatory rules for honey, nuts and dried fruit, ripe bananas, as well as trimmed, processed and cut fruit and vegetables (such as packaged salad leaves). In the case of blends, the country or countries of origin must be indicated on the label. Listing the countries of origin will increase transparency for consumers as well as promote the production of these products in the EU;
food waste – the proposed revisions cover both food and packaging waste. For example, less attractive fruit and vegetables (with external defects, but still suitable for local/direct consumption) sold locally and directly from producers to consumers are subject to a derogation from the marketing standards. Valuing their freshness could offer consumers more opportunities to buy fresh fruit and vegetables at more affordable prices and benefit producers active in short supply chains. The same applies to some products affected by natural disasters or other exceptional circumstances, if their consumption is safe;

packaging – products intended for donation could be exempted from the main labeling requirements. This will reduce bureaucratic obligations and labeling requirements, facilitating the work of operators;

fruit juices – may bear the mention “without added sugar” to clarify that, unlike fruit nectars, juices cannot by definition contain added sugars, a characteristic of which the majority of consumers are unaware. Furthermore, to respond to the growing demand for products with less sugar, a reformulated juice could indicate “reduced sugar fruit juice” on the label. To further simplify and adapt to consumer tastes, the term “coconut water” could be used alongside “coconut juice”;
jams and marmalades – the fruit content will be increased from a minimum of 350 to 450 grams (550 for high quality products) per kilogram of finished product. With the generalized increase in the fruit content, consumers would be offered a product with less free sugar and a higher quantity of fruit than at present. The term “marmalade”, until now authorized only for citrus jams, would apply to all jams, in order to adapt the name of the product to the one most used locally;

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egg – Solar panels could be introduced in open production systems to stimulate the supply of energy from renewable sources. Egg stamping would also be done directly on the farm to improve traceability.

Next steps
The proposals for fresh fruit and vegetables, eggs and poultry are subject to delegated and implementing acts. The texts will remain open to public feedback for a month IT•••. Subsequently, the delegated acts will be adopted and submitted to the European Parliament and the Council for a period of two months. The Commission will publish them at the end of this procedure. The proposals for jams, marmalades, fruit juices and honey are included in directives and will follow the ordinary co-legislative process of the European Parliament and the Council before their publication and entry into force.
In parallel, the Commission intends to send a report to the European Parliament and the Council regarding the forthcoming adoption of new marketing standards for cider and perry and for the origin labeling of pulses. These products are currently not subject to the marketing standards of the Common Market Organization Regulation.

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