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Triglycerides, can go down with good habits (and without drugs)

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No alcohol, watch out for sugars, weight control are often enough measures to keep them under control. According to experts, the drugs are indicated for selected patients

LDL cholesterol. The lower it is, the better. For everyone. And especially for those who are at high risk, perhaps because they have already had a heart attack. There is no doubt about this. If the “bad” cholesterol in the blood drops, the risk of heart attack, stroke and cardiovascular death decreases. But cholesterol, you know, is not the only fat to monitor. And there are other indices to keep an eye on. Thus, blood tests also often measure i triglyceridethe. And if they are found to be high, perhaps above 150 milligrams per decilitre, which is the normal threshold? What needs to be done? Science questions itself, also in the light of results such as those that emerged in the study Prominent, which demonstrated how a drug called pemafibrate made it possible to lower triglyceride values, but without affecting the risk of cardiovascular events. In short. We discuss. And there are still no definitive answers, as is often the case, but some advice can be given. Also and above all because statins, by acting on cholesterol, also affect triglyceride values. And perhaps specific drugs to act specifically on this parameter, in terms of cardiovascular risk, are only necessary in some cases.

How much they really “weigh” on the heart and arteries

If triglycerides are high, over time they can favor the development of atherosclerosis and therefore also affect the risk of heart attack, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. But that’s not enough. Leaving aside the heart and arteries, they can also affect the health of the pancreas, increasing – if very high – the risk of pancreatitis. That said, science questions whether they can be considered an independent risk factor. Or rather: having triglycerides above the norm is a clear sign that something is wrong with the body. And this certainly needs to be controlled. The increase in these fats is often observed in people with diabetes, in hypertensives, in those with a large waistline. And this, yes, translates into a greater risk of heart disease and stroke. in addition to they are a sort of “flag” that accompanies. “Triglycerides are the body’s main energy reserve: practically in this form the nutrients are deposited in the adipose tissue and can be used by the liver – he explains Ciro Indolfi, President of the Italian Federation of Cardiology. For this reason, high triglycerides in the blood contribute to raising LDL cholesterol levels”.

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How to keep values ​​low

Below 150 milligrams per deciliter, triglyceride values ​​are normal. Up to 200 are borderline. They are considered properly high from 200 to 499 and then very high if higher. “To keep them under control, one must first lose weight in excess, by reducing calories: remember that the extra ones are converted into triglycerides and therefore if the intake is lowered, triglycerides also decrease – reminds Indolfi. And physical activity is important since regular exercise can lower these fats and increase the HDL cholesterol“.

For the rest, the choices at the table must be made with intelligence. Sugar and refined carbohydrates should be limited as much as possible since these foods can promote an increase in triglycerides. “On the fat front, I recommend replacing the saturated fats present in meat with the healthier fats present in vegetables and instead of red meat, it is better to eat fish rich in fatty acids omega-3, such as mackerel or salmon – continues Indolfi. Last rule: you have to limit alcohol: they are rich in calories and sugars and have a particularly powerful negative effect on triglycerides”.

When to use medications

The recommendations of the 2021 European Society of Cardiology Guidelines on Cardiovascular Prevention regarding pharmacological treatments of patients with hypertriglyceridemia say that statins are strongly recommended as the first drug of choice to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in high-risk patients with hypertriglyceridemia. “Drugs such as pheno and bezafibrate may then be considered when the LDL goal is met and triglycerides remain high,” concludes the expert. statins and lifestyle measures, omega-3 fatty acids, such as icosapent-ethyl at recommended drug dosages, might be considered in combination with a statin.Remember that, unlike LDL cholesterol, there are no therapeutic targets for triglycerides, but it can still be useful to get them off lifestyles they can help us. It’s a lot”.

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