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Brittle bones: what to eat to strengthen them

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Brittle bones: what to eat to strengthen them
Brittle bones cause over 400,000 fractures a year among those over 45. Fractures of the hip, vertebrae, arms or ankles to which we must add the approximately 80,000 fractures of the femur, typical of older ages. These are the numbers reported in the magazine Arthritis Research and Therapy from the largest study of its kind conducted in Italy. And the increase in life expectancy will cause a about 30% increase in fractures caused by bone fragility. According to the data available to www.nutritienda.comthe leading online store for health and beauty products, fractures due to brittle bones, i.e. fractures caused by blows that shouldn’t damage normal bone, affect one in three women and one in five men over the age of 50 years.

Brittle bones and osteoporosis: the causes

The fractures are mainly caused by osteoporosis, a disease that reduces the density and quality of bones, which become more porous due to the greater amount of air inside them. This is a widespread problem everywhere: in the world every 3 seconds a fracture due to osteoporosis occurs, affecting more than 300 million people. With serious health consequences. Bones are important not only because they allow us to move and maintain an upright position but also because they protect the internal organs, preventing them from being affected by injuries. The good news is that every day the bones are renewed, the body replaces the old cells that compose them with new onesso they are a living tissue that constantly regenerates.

But if until adulthood the formation of bone tissue is greater than its wear but As we age, bones weaken. In addition to age, there are other risk factors that we cannot control such as genetics, sex and race: for example, white women over the age of 50 represent the target most affected by osteoporosis. We must also consider other external factors such as tobacco and alcohol, which increase the possibility of suffering from this disease; it must be taken into account that an initial fracture increases the risk of suffering future fracturesin fact we are five times more likely to suffer a fracture in the two years following the moment we report one.

Brittle bones: what to eat to strengthen them

In order to have strong bones from an early age, it is very important to have healthy habits, perform regular physical activity and follow a balanced diet. To begin, not missing calcium and vitamin D from the diet, and paying attention to the warning signs: a fragility fracture (i.e. without a trauma to cause it) after the age of 45 must not be ignored because it can indicate the presence of osteoporosis and therefore the need for prevention strategies even more targeted fractures. Let’s see then what to eat to strengthen fragile bones and reduce the risk of fractures avoidable.

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1. Milk, yogurt and cheese

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in our body and is essential for the body, as it participates in many functions, including the functioning of the muscles and is essential for the health of bones and teeth. The average daily calcium intake should be around 1,000 milligrams in healthy adultsthe foods that contain the most calcium are milk, cheese and natural yogurt.

2. Salmon

Salmon is a fish rich in benefits: it is a source of vitamin B3, which promotes the normal functioning of the nervous system, vitamin A, vitamin B12, it is rich in zinc, iron, potassium, phosphorus, iodine and vitamin D which, among other functions , promotes the absorption and normal use of calcium and phosphorus and helps preserve bone conditions. Salmon is also important for its high Omega-3 content, its consumption in the right quantities and a healthy diet help preserve vision and cardiovascular health. Between the ages of 40 and 60 most people lose 20% of muscle mass, this decrease causes fractures more easily, so it is essential to have an active lifestyle and consume nutritious foods. Salmon is enjoyed above all when cooked in the oven or on the grill.

3. Pollo

Chicken is one of the meats with the highest amount of high biological value proteins and contains all essential amino acids; together with the rabbit it is the lean meat richest in proteins, macronutrients which favor the increase and preservation of muscle mass and the maintenance of bones during daily activities, especially if we wish to increase our muscle mass; moreover, chicken is a source of vitamins such as niacin and vitamin B6. This food can be enjoyed in various ways: in stews, grilled, baked, with salads, etc…

4. Almonds

Almonds are a source of protein, fiber, minerals and vitamins, including vitamin E, with a high antioxidant power. They also contain calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, minerals that help preserve bones and teeth, making them the ideal snack to take with you to the gym or on mountain tours. Thanks to the iron the almonds promote the normal functioning of the nervous system therefore their daily consumption is excellent for health.
We can enjoy this food as a snack or we can add it to stews, desserts and salads.

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5. Sardine

Sardines represent one of the most complete foods because they contain numerous nutrients and bring various benefits to our body: they provide vitamins, iron, iodine and are rich in Omega-3, which promotes the normal functioning of the heart, which pumps oxygen to the muscles .
Sardines are rich in calcium, which improves bone quality and are rich in vitamin D, which strengthens the immune system and is essential for calcium absorption. This food can be cooked in the oven, grilled and is also available in cans, but the latter must not be abused and, last but not least, they are a source of: iodine, potassium, selenium, phosphorus, niacin and vitamin B12.

6. Spinach

Spinach is a source of protein, fiber, iron, potassium, folate, calcium, vitamin C, A, E and b-carotenes. As for minerals, we remember the “non-heme iron”, which is absorbed with greater difficulty than the “heme” form, which we find in meat and its derivatives. This vegetable contains vitamin C, which improves iron absorption: iron helps reduce tiredness, a typical symptom of muscle and joint weakness. It is preferable to consume it raw because lutein loses most of its benefits when cooked.

7. Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are a source of minerals, vitamins, fiber, protein, phosphorus and contain a very high amount of calcium, possess unsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, iron, zinc, potassium, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, magnesium and vitamin E. Sesame seeds are the seeds found on hamburger buns but most people are unaware that they are one of the highest calcium foods, so they are great for bones and general health, plus their high Fiber content promotes digestive health. They can be used for the preparation of bread, salads and desserts in general or we can let them hydrate in a glass of water overnight and enjoy them the following morning.

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8. Oranges

Oranges contain vitamin C, excellent for bones and collagen formation and important for the functioning of the immune system; they also have large amounts of hydroxycinnamic acids, ferulic acid, caffeic acid and p-coumaric acid, compounds with antioxidant action that can help slow down the aging that damages bones and joints. Oranges can be squeezed, cut into slices or enjoyed with salads and fruit salads.

9. Avocado

Avocado brings innumerable health benefits: it is rich in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant present in small quantities in other types of fruit, vitamin C and vitamin B6. Vitamin C promotes the formation of collagen, which is important for the proper functioning of bones while vitamin B6 helps reduce tiredness and fatigue. As for minerals, avocado contains potassium, which contributes to the normal functioning of muscles and the nervous system.

10. Hazelnuts

Autumn is the season when most of the nuts, such as hazelnuts, are harvested. This food it provides energy and is very nutritious, is a source of vitamins such as niacin, thiamine and vitamin B6, which promote energy metabolism and contains minerals such as calcium, essential for bone health, iron and potassium, which contributes to normal muscle function. Hazelnuts can be enjoyed as a snack or we can add them to salads or creams.

11. Cabbages

Cabbages are a food rich in vitamin C, potassium, important for the functioning of the muscles and calcium, which helps to preserve health in general and bone health in particular. 99% of our body’s calcium deposits are found in bones and teeth, if we do not ingest enough calcium the body will take this mineral from the bones, so it is very important to consume foods rich in calcium, such as cabbage. We can enjoy them in various ways: cabbage soup, cauliflower au gratin, collard salad or steamed cabbage.

12. Vitamin D and calcium supplements

It is important to have regular medical check-ups, so that our vitamin and mineral levels are always in check; if we fail to meet the daily requirement recommended by specialists, we can supplement our diet with supplements based on vitamin D, calcium and collagenalways with a doctor’s prescription.


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