Home » She is from Neuquén, she wanted to fulfill her mother’s dream of traveling abroad and they deceived her

She is from Neuquén, she wanted to fulfill her mother’s dream of traveling abroad and they deceived her

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She is from Neuquén, she wanted to fulfill her mother’s dream of traveling abroad and they deceived her

Marina Pacheco of Neuquen He wanted to fulfill his mother’s dream of traveling abroad, but was deceived by the Felgueres tourism company that Until today it would accumulate more than 500 complaints and has 10 victims from Neuquén. The company disappeared when two weeks ago a group of travelers was stranded in Ezeiza.

The victim recounted how the scam happened. All It started last year when he wanted to fulfill his mother’s dream on a trip to Türkiye. «I campaigned and looked for a company, local companies still did not travel abroad, so I investigated in Buenos Aires“he mentioned.

As reported by Marina, the company It had offices in Miami and Mexico and claimed to have 55 years of experience. “There were very good comments, photos that the same travelers uploaded thanking them,” he added. With enthusiasm, the victim She verified that the company was in good standing and the offer of $2,500 cash payment finished convincing her.

Through calls and sending documents The trip to Türkiye was formalized for May of this year. “For security I contacted the administrative area and I asked for bank account details, everything matched»Marina assured.

the company started to give less and less information and finally disappeared chen a group of travelers was stranded in Ezeiza and wanted to make a claim, the company headquarters had closed its doors.

“The first feeling was disbelief, I thought that this group had had some inconvenience and that it was not going to happen to us, “said Marina. «As we were informed, we began to have anger, anger and sadness“he added.

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The dream trip with his mother it was a once in a lifetime opportunity“We are working people, we do not travel every day, this could be my mother’s last trip,” she lamented.

Today at noon the group of victims will manifest in the Ministry of Tourism of the Nation to demand answers. “We want to know why they were given a file and what the controls were,” she mentioned.

How was the scam maneuver with the tourism company

“At the beginning of the year began to be reticent or elusive in providing accurate information and it seemed suspicious to me,” said Marina, but she trusted that it was due to the high demand for travel

The only person who cared for the victim I was a secretary who told him that the airline had less tickets sold, so they were reprogramming them. “Only she took care of me, then the emails were automatic saying that they were late and that in 72 hours they were going to answer me, “he said.

The days passed and Hope collapsed when, during Holy Week, Marina found out that a group of travelers had been stranded at the airport.. “They were informed that the following Monday they were going to give them an answer and when they went to claim, they had eloped“he narrated.

The strange thing is that many people would have traveled in optimal conditions. “We spoke with them and they told us that they complied with everything contracted and they returned happy, they had even contracted another package to travel again, “said the neuquina.

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The company accused of fraud would be a franchise

When the maneuver came to light, the investigation of the victims began. “We found out that the owner of the company He was a 29-year-old Mexican who had bought from the original companywhich is in Mexico, and I had only been in Argentina for 8 years“said the woman.

“The headquarters here It’s a franchise, they sold it as a branch, but it is only a franchise, “Marina reiterated.

Investigating in networks, the victims realized that the son of the owner of the original company, Ricardo Felgueres, owner of the offices in Mexico and Miami, he had sold the one in Buenos Aires to the 29-year-old. “We communicated with him and he told us that I saw the company successful and prestigious“said the victim.

Then they met through the news that the company owed 20 million national treasury. “How does a foreign person set up a company, swindle a bunch of people and leave without consequences?” Marina wondered.

The N56 prosecutor’s office of Buenos Aires would have taken more than 500 complaints. “There is more, only people do not dare to report,” said the woman. «They told us that it is very difficult to verify If you have assets and there is a summary secret, they did raids but they do not know if what was found is your property, “he added.

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