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Lavrov spoke in New York about the war between Russia and Ukraine | Info

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Lavrov spoke in New York about the war between Russia and Ukraine |  Info

Speaking to reporters at the UN headquarters in New York, Lavrov said he did not remember any Western journalist ever asking him about the millions of Ukrainian refugees who have come to Russia.


The head of Russian diplomacy, Sergei Lavrov, said today that Moscow did not want to see discrimination against Orthodox believers in Ukraine and people who speak the Russian language.

“Ukraine banned education in the Russian language, books in the Russian language were burned in the squares in the Nazi style”Lavrov said.

Speaking to reporters at the UN headquarters in New York, Lavrov said he did not remember any Western journalist ever asking him about the millions of Ukrainian refugees who have come to Russia.


“Russia has publicly stated all its goals, but it would like to know what the West has in mind in Ukraine,” Lavrov told reporters.

“We simply need to work to enforce our legitimate rights, and to do so fairly, clarifying every motive. That is exactly what we have done in relation to our special military operation. We would also like to hear from our Western counterparts what their objectives are.”Lavrov said.


At the press conference, he summarized the results of the visit to the USA as part of the Russian presidency of the UN Security Council, and called on the audience to “remain optimistic”.

“We hope that the desire to unite forces will prevail, that it will be understood that splitting the global community into one billion and seven billion is wrong, that it is wrong to put oneself above others”Lavrov said, TASS reported.

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Speaking about the expansion of NATO, the Russian head of diplomacy reminds that Russia was promised that it would not happen, but that it was all lies.

“NATO wanted to destroy Russia, but succeeded in uniting it”Lavrov said.


Regarding contact with the United States regarding prisoners, including journalist Evan Geršković, and their exchange, Lavrov said that there are special channels for this and any publication complicates things in that sphere.

“There are channels to discuss the exchange of prisoners and it is not a public matter”Lavrov said and added that he is not involved in negotiations on a potential exchange.

He added that Russia does not accept the idea that a journalist cannot commit a crimeand added that now it seems that no one remembers anymore Julian Assangethe founder of WikiLeaks.


When it comes to the agreement for the export of grain via the Black Sea, Lavrov said that the situation is at an impasse and that there are still obstacles for Russian exports.

The agreement was renewed for 60 days last month, but Russia has announced that it will not agree to it unless the West removes barriers to Russian grain and fertilizer exports.

“I propose that this work be done on the basis of the UN Charter”Lavrov said.


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