Home » Three days for the Garden, biodiversity is the star in Masino – Piedmont

Three days for the Garden, biodiversity is the star in Masino – Piedmont

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Three days for the Garden, biodiversity is the star in Masino – Piedmont

Appointment Fai al Castello with floriculture 28/4-1/5

(ANSA) – TURIN, APRIL 26 – Three days for the Garden, one of the most famous Italian horticultural events scheduled from April 28 to May 1 in the park of Castello di Masino, this year is dedicated to biodiversity, nature and good practices.

The most qualified Italian and foreign nurserymen will be on display, exhibiting the best collections of trees and shrubs for gardens and terraces, fruit and vegetable plants, berry plants, aromatic and medicinal herbs, ancient fruits, rare seeds, flower. And again herbaceous and shrubby plants, acid-loving plants, aquatic plants, cacti and succulents, alpine and rock plants.

In addition to proposing direct dialogue with nurserymen, the event will be enriched by meetings with experts, teachers and writers who will explore the theme of biodiversity loss due to the environmental crisis, and will disseminate good daily practices for its protection.

Fai, organizer of the initiative and owner of Castello di Masino, intends this year to “promote a culture of nature that declines in virtuous habits, concrete gestures and behaviors aimed at caring for the environment, starting from the greenery of the house “.

among the speakers luca mercalli, president of the Italian Meteorological Society, who will explain the climate records of 2022 and illustrate “how the sky above the garden changes”. And Francesco Ferrini, professor of Arboriculture, who, starting from his latest book ‘Trees and new people for the planet’, will indicate which trees are the most suitable for tackling climate change. But there will also be the designers Carlo Contesso and Gheo Clavarino who will reflect on the contemporary garden and terrace, and on the ways to combine aesthetics and biodiversity by choosing the most suitable plants and flowers for the changed climatic conditions. Among the most curious appointments, the one with Manuel Buda, theoretical physicist and musician, who will propose a concert creating unique songs thanks to the sound emissions detected by sensors applied to the leaves of some plants.


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