Home » Fran Mariano broke live when remembering Aníbal Lotocki’s malpractice: “He ruined my face”

Fran Mariano broke live when remembering Aníbal Lotocki’s malpractice: “He ruined my face”

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Fran Mariano broke live when remembering Aníbal Lotocki’s malpractice: “He ruined my face”

It was the year 2011 when Fran Mariano became popular for his time in Matter of weightthe reality show of El Trece that he entered weighing 173 kilos. Thanks to that treatment, she lost 92 kilos and from then on she underwent to more than 20 surgeries to look like Ricky Martin, his great idol.

This Wednesday, invited to the Intruders program that is broadcast by America, broke in the air after telling that he was a victim of malpractice by the Hannibal Lotocki. It was so, in an attack of sincerity, the conductor of the cycle herself, Florence of the VHe said that I couldn’t believe how his face looked.

Invaded by the anguish that this situation caused him, the former Question of Weight replied: «Lotocki disfigured me» and added: “I did not want this. I went because I wanted to feel good”.

After that intervention, he explained that from a biopsy he discovered that he had been injected with “motorcycle oil” in his face. “I had oil on my eyebrows, on my eyelids and it was falling off. Thank God doctor Sampietro was able to remove it, but he told me ‘every incision will leave a scar’”, he commented in reference to the marks that remained.

He indicated that this product was being getting little by little in his eyes, which began to affect his vision and forced him to wear contact lenses. “He was touching me and I felt bags of fluid around his eyes,” he confessed.

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During his defense, the remembered participant in the program that treated obesity, stated that when he woke up after surgery, he realized that they had done more things to him than initially agreed. «He told me ‘I don’t like to do a little thing alone. I like to see and do“, revealed.

When asked what he would do if he ran into Lotocki today, he said: “I am not a violent person, but I could not greet him, because he ruined my face.”

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