Home » Francia Márquez’s niece was shot in Cali

Francia Márquez’s niece was shot in Cali

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Francia Márquez’s niece was shot in Cali

In the Retiro neighborhood, east of Cali, a niece of Vice President Francia Márquez was wounded with a firearm.

The minor of 17 years, would have been victim of a stray bullet due to the dispute between two criminal gangs in the sector, according to an investigation by the authorities.

“I received a minor patient referred from a peripheral hospital with a gunshot wound to the right chest. She was received by our department of emergency and surgery and they perform a procedure that is a chest tube to drain a neurothorax EMO, which at this time has already been drained. The patient is hospitalized and her health condition is stable.

This is how the doctor from the medical institution located in the north of the city that treated the minor explained.


The Cali Mayor’s Office defined a payment of $20,000,000 to the person who provided information to find the people responsible for this attack in which two people were injured.

“There are up to 20 million pesos offered by the Mayor’s Office as payment for information to those people who lead us to identify to the clarification of the material and intellectual actor in this fact,” said the general of the Cali Metropolitan Police, José Daniel Gualdrón.

What happened?

“At 11:40 p.m. there was a confrontation between two criminal structures: ‘The one with the hole’ and ‘Africa’, where an adult was injured, and in that crossfire, unfortunately a stray bullet, which is an investigation , a 17-year-old lady Karen Vanessa Márquez Silva is injured, who luckily he is stable now and out of danger,” explained Gualdrón.

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“We prioritize this case with our Judicial Police and Intelligence, in order to capture these criminals. We are working on investigations with all the interviews and security cameras to clarify the fact”, he added.

In her participation in the Congress of the Republic on the discussion of the controversial health reform, the vice president of ColombiaFrancia Márquez, after learning of the attack on her relative, expressed herself in this regard:

“Last night my niece suffered an attack and from here I spent almost the whole night calling the health center to request a transfer due to the seriousness of the injury, so this warrants a commitment that health is a fundamental right and that what comes first is not the business that has been done”, stated the vice president.

Márquez ended his speech by stating that Colombia needs a government of change, “For social justice, for peace and for the dignity of the country.”

“The change and the commitment was to restore dignity and peace to the Colombian people and that goes through a hot discussion that is taking place today in Congress and it is the health reform. Coming from vulnerable territories, I have seen citizens suffering for not having access to health in decent conditions. I have seen the number of women, men, placing guardianships to authorize a medication for them to authorize surgery, “said Márquez.


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