Home » They celebrate 50 years of the Itaipu Treaty ratifying commitment to the development of both countries

They celebrate 50 years of the Itaipu Treaty ratifying commitment to the development of both countries

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They celebrate 50 years of the Itaipu Treaty ratifying commitment to the development of both countries
The act developed at the headquarters of the Binational Entity to commemorate this date was attended by the highest authorities of the Hydroelectric Power Plant.

April 26 marked the 50th anniversary of the entry into force of the binational treaty signed by Paraguay and Brazil for the creation of Itaipu. It is recognized as a world reference in bilateral agreements, an example of cooperation between two countries and a historic milestone for Latin American diplomacy. An act was held the day before at the headquarters of the Hydroelectric Power Plant, with the presence of the entity’s highest authorities, who unveiled a commemorative plaque.

“We pay tribute to the vision of two peoples who knew how to transform difficulties into opportunities for improvement, which allows us today to own one of the largest hydroelectric plants in the world and places us as one of the main generators of clean energy” , highlighted Manuel María Cáceres, Paraguayan general director of Itaipu.

He added that it represents an honor to be in charge of the Binational on this special day. He remarked that, five decades ago, in Brasilia, representatives of both nations laid the foundations to begin a colossal work that would definitively transform the two peoples, not only with energy and development, but also by forming a human capital that made a qualitative leap possible. without precedents.

“This was an unprecedented agreement, ahead of its time, and represented the first real integration between two countries. We can even say that the foundations of Mercosur were laid, Itaipu was the seed. The Treaty was visionary, at a time when there was no talk of the preservation of natural resources, today we have 120,000 hectares of forests that clean the air for almost 30 million people”, he pointed out.

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Director Cáceres pointed out that Itaipu maintains the vision of improvement and to continue being a world reference. The cancellation of the debt, at the beginning of this year, is an important step that allows us to look at the future calmly, but knowing that the path of growth must be followed; generating clean and renewable energy; and advance in the completion of impact works.

For his part, the Brazilian general director of the Binacional, Enio Verri, stated that the great global experience of integration is present in Paraguay and Brazil, in Itaipu. These 50 years represent more than a great work, it is the result of a lot of hope, he said.

“Brazil understands that we are partners, we build together, we pay together and now, 50 years later, we must have the same faith and hope to continue moving forward. Advancing in technological innovation, we have to think about energy alternatives such as solar. Paraguay and Brazil can contribute many things together in Itaipu so that our countries have fairer and more egalitarian societies”, said Verri.

Visual identity

The ceremony, which took place in the Hydroelectric Power Plant Production Building, brought together Paraguayan and Brazilian employees; and on the occasion the visual identity of the Entity’s 50 years was launched. The logo is made up of five concentric circles that represent five decades that intersect in the form of water waves, evolving towards common development. The golden color, in addition to referencing this commemoration, represents the value and professional quality of the employees, Itaipu’s greatest asset.

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more than energy

Itaipu is a key development factor for Paraguay; From 1985 to 2022, the company transferred to the Paraguayan State more than US$ 12,449.7 million, in royalties, energy assignment and capital utility. Likewise, the Binacional means an important energy reserve for the country, which ensures the growth and impulse of the population for the next decade through the efficient use of 50% of the energy that corresponds to it as a partner of the hydroelectric project.

In environmental matters, the Entity’s contribution is invaluable. It protects and preserves more than 100,000 hectares of forests and refuges, and it is the first hydroelectric plant on the planet to be admitted to the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves (Itaipu Biosphere Reserve), due to its eight nature reserves of significant extensions. .

Investments for works of high social impact are also a priority for Binacional and have been increasing; in the last financial year of 2022, Itaipu doubled the investments within the framework of its Social and Environmental Responsibility, totaling close to 220 million dollars. Since the implementation of these social funds in 2004, the Entity has executed in Paraguay a total of 1,270.7 million dollars in 18 years. To this amount must be added the 409 million dollars provided for in the 2023 Budget for actions in these areas of interest.

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