Home » Cosepe recommends the use of lethal weapons to combat terrorism – Diario La Hora

Cosepe recommends the use of lethal weapons to combat terrorism – Diario La Hora

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Cosepe recommends the use of lethal weapons to combat terrorism – Diario La Hora

SECURITY. State institutions will face together the threat against the Ecuadorian people Photo: Presidency

All State institutions pledged to collaborate in the fight against crime and for the protection of the Ecuadorian people.

After four hours of work and deliberations, the State and Public Security Council unanimously decided qualify the “terrorism” as a “serious threat” for the overall security of the nation.

Government sources told LA HORA that this statement It is the result of the study of the actions that criminal groups have been developing in the national territory and that they would aim to generate “fear and panic” in the population.

With this determination of Cosepe, the door is opened for the anti-terrorist groups of the Armed Forces can carry out detection, containment and “neutralization” actions of criminal organizations that sow terror in the population.

The meeting was attended by President of the Republic, Guillermo Lasso; the vice president, Alfredo Borrero, the State ministers linked to security https://www.lahora.com.ec/pais/posesion-paco-moncayo-wagner-bravo-analisis/ and the highest authorities of the National Assembly, Virgilio Saquicela; from the National Court of Justice, Iván Saquicela; of the Transparency and Social Control Function, as well as the Head of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces and the General Commander of the Police.

Unanimous decision

He Secretary of Citizen Security, Wagner Bravo, applauded that the decision was made with the support of all Cosepe members. “Unanimously all its members declare terrorism as a threat against the structural elements of the state”, he reported.

The Secretary remarked that the resolution is framed in the national and international regulations against terrorism.

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He specified that the threat will be faced “firmly” and will have the support and endorsement of all State institutionswhich promised to work together in the fight against terrorism.

Article 226 of the Constitution establishes the duty of all State institutions to coordinate actions “for the fulfillment of their purposes and to make effective the enjoyment and exercise of the rights recognized in the Constitution.”

Cosepe urged the President of the Republic to issue an Executive Decree establishing the “coercive, urgent and effective measures to combat terrorism.

They also recommended the use of lethal weapons to protect the security of the Ecuadorian people.. (ILS)

Definition of terrismo

Government sources clarified to LA HORA that not only those who generate “terror” actions will be responsible for terrorist actions, because as established in the new scenarios the accomplices, spokesmen or whoever helps them would be identified.

They also warn that they should develop responsibilities for those who allow the release or political protection of those accused of the crime of terrorism.

It was also known that the Armed Forces. they will reinforce their military operations to combat crime with the aim of protecting Ecuadoriansdemocracy and freedom.

pacify the country

In the morning, the Secretary of Citizen Security, Wagner Bravo, stated that his office has the responsibility of creating policies to combat crime and it will be the State security forces who put them into action.

He recalled that world jurisprudence on “terrorism” now goes beyond attacks on political targets.

Bravo explained that criminal groups “are applying techniques that are considered to be terrorism,” he specified that the actions of placing bombs in police stations, explosive devices and even threats on social networks “that creates terror and concern”.

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He pointed out that there are criminal groups that want to impose their law in Ecuador, “that are a threat”, because they would have the power to try to confront the State and the laws.

He warned that part of the actions will be detect which are the “narcoterrorist” cells to neutralize them through military operations.

Este 28 de abril de 2023, el Comando Conjunto de las Fuerzas Armadas informará sobre las acciones que emprenderán contra el terrorismo.

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