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Chat GPT: My boss didn’t notice that you were writing a bot

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Chat GPT: My boss didn’t notice that you were writing a bot

Nick Rolle works on the Insights and Analysis team at Business Insider.
Nick Rolle

Nick Rolle is an associate editor for insights and analysis at Business Insider.

He used Chat GPT for a week to help with work assignments before telling his co-workers or manager.

Rolle says he’s become more efficient and will continue to use the AI ​​chatbot.

We’re currently testing machine translations of articles by our US colleagues to bring you even more exciting content. This article has been automatically translated and reviewed by an editor. We welcome feedback at the end of the article.

This post is based on a conversation with Nick Rolle, an associate editor of insights and analysis at Business Insider. It has been revised for length and clarity.

I used Chat GPT every day at work for a week and didn’t tell anyone. None of my co-workers knew, and my manager had no idea. And it has been so valuable to me that I will continue to use it to help me with my workload.

It has made me a more efficient employee and I think it can help people in many different industries. I even recently got some of my colleagues at Business Insider to start using it too.

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I was worried if Chat GPT could do my job better than me

One of the reasons I didn’t immediately tell my co-workers about it is that I was concerned that this thing might do my job better than me. My team consists primarily of data analysts, and we provide the newsroom with insights and analysis that inform what interests our readers.

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I work a lot with Looker, Google’s business intelligence platform. And every day I can code, work in Google Sheets, set up dashboards or do other tasks. Before showing my team how to use it, I asked Chat GPT if I could lose my job if I told them about it.

Nick asked Chat GPT if he could lose his job.  The AI ​​chatbot gives him the following answer:

Nick asked Chat GPT if he could lose his job. The AI ​​chatbot gives him the following answer: “No, I’m just an AI language model designed to offer help and support. I cannot influence your work. If you have any worries or problems related to your job, it is best to ask your HR manager.”
Nick Rolle

Chat GPT said no because I would show my team something that would be of use to them. Then it reassured me by saying they will remember me as the one who introduced it to them before anyone else. So Chat GPT actually convinced me to do it.

I waited until I had used it for a full week before discussing it in our team’s weekly meeting. When it comes to new technologies, I always try to test them thoroughly myself before I endorse them. But once I realized how much it made my life easier, I was sure I should show them.

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I first heard about Chat GPT when I saw articles about it in our editorial office last year

I’m not usually an early adopter of this type of technology – I only started using Chat GPT at the end of February. A fellow student in my major used Chat GPT for a project we were working on. I was curious about it and started playing around with it and asking simple questions. Now I really use it every day.

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When I first started using Chat GPT at work, I tried to create a new field in Looker that would classify records based on certain criteria defined by an algorithm. The code I wrote was messy, so I asked Chat GPT to ‘optimize’ it.

Chat GPT provided me with a new and much more organized method, along with a detailed explanation of what I could do differently. Compared to the code I wrote, the code provided by Chat GPT was easier for one person to read and I was surprised at how detailed it was explained. That was something I could really learn from.

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I’ve started using it in other ways – like texting

I had to give some key people in the company an update on a project I was working on, but didn’t have much time to put it into words. So I said to Chat GPT, “I’m an editorial data analyst and I want to update my stakeholders on the status of the project,” and then gave a short, clipped statement of my progress.

Here Nick Chat GPT asks if the chatbot can formulate an email for him.

Here Nick Chat GPT asks if the chatbot can formulate an email for him.
Nick Rolle

Chat GPT gave me a well written and professional message to send to them. The only problem was that it read like an email. So I asked the program to turn it into a Slack message – and it did.

I don’t use Chat GPT for every Slack message I send, only for the longer, more detailed messages. No matter what I do, I will never completely copy and paste his answers. I’m going to make some changes to what Chat GPT is spitting out because it sounds very formal even when asked to be informal. Usually this gives away that it was not written by a human.

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I also use the AI ​​chatbot for Trello – a tool my team uses every day to manage new projects or tasks. When you create a Trello card, you give it a name and a description. It is very difficult to put into my own words the questions that are being asked.

For example, someone might ask, “Can you get our team’s page views over the last 180 days?” I could then type that into Chat GPT and ask it to create a Trello card. I can paste what it provides me into Trello. I used to occasionally miss assignments because I put off writing descriptions for Trello so much. Now I don’t miss any more tasks.

I am concerned about privacy

The more precisely you formulate your questions, the better answers you will get. So I say I’m an editorial data analyst at Business Insider when I ask questions. If I say the same thing but for The Wall Street Journal, I might get a different answer since the two news outlets have different brand identities.

I will always be careful when speaking to Chat GPT and try not to post questions with company-sensitive information because I wonder if competitors could somehow access that information. Anyone can use Chat GPT for free – however, the information is potentially vulnerable to data breaches.

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Chat GPT crashed and I realized how much I rely on it now

Chat GPT crashed once because too many people were online at the same time. But I saw that as a Chat GPT Plus subscriber, you got preferential treatment over other people. And that day, I really thought, “If it fails that often, I should really consider buying it myself.”

I remember fearing at that moment that I was over-relying on it, just like people forget how to spell words since autocorrect. I was like, “Oh man, I’ll have to go back to Google” to answer the questions that crop up throughout the day.

Still, I will be using it in my daily life for the foreseeable future. And I’m excited because I believe this technology is only going to get better.


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