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Petro recharged

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Petro recharged

The long-awaited ministerial crisis that we were waiting for arrived. It didn’t take a year. 7 ministers came out of a single one, the president did not save anything. Now Petro came with everything. He sent the traditional parties to the club, the government coalition disarmed. Petro has already paid for the favors received and now we see him in action. The liberals saw José Antonio Ocampo and Cecilia López Montaño pack suitcases and the conservatives did the same with Guillermo Reyes. The U was left without Alfonso Prada. You, my readers, from previous columns and because you know me, know that neither Ocampo nor López are saints of my devotion, but in the midst of so much mediocrity I appreciated their presence in the cabinet. Prada’s case is different. I don’t pass it by for anything in the world. He was part of the Santos government and that is enough not only to not miss him but to be happy not to see him. I have said it several times: just as Barak Obama is solely responsible for the rise of China and Russia for having regressed the role of the United States in world geopolitics -I know many adore him but time has proved me right-, Juan Manuel Santos is to blame for the fact that now we have to put up with Petro ruling; for Santos there is nothing impossible, in fact, he chose the guerrilla. The peace process has us screwed up today; We saw it, we said it and it happened…

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The only news that I openly welcome about the results of the crisis was the departure of Mrs. Corcho. She and Irene Vélez break one down. Any Colombian who sees them in action ends up crying, with his triumphant attitudes and arrogance, which they display to hide his inability to lead the changes, which, although stupid, have been entrusted to them by his boss. The new ministers come from the bowels, better from the poison, from pure petrism. Ricardo Bonilla, new Minister of Finance and Public Credit: he was the secretary of finance during Petro’s mayoralty, the one in which only damage was caused to Bogotá. Going so quickly from José Manuel Restrepo to this only generates pain for the homeland. The Liberals will maintain the Ministry of the Interior with Luis Fernando Velasco, an experienced congressional fox who, like Prada, will know how to write checks to buy support. Guillermo Alfonso Jaramillo, former mayor of Ibagué, a traditional leftist, replaces Corcho. I want to think that he will surpass her by a lot, I hope that the retrograde ideas that he shares with Petro do not affect his management; Is that asking too much. Mauricio Lizcano is the poster boy for the government. Since taking office we have seen how the decrees corresponding to the appointments of Petro’s first cabinet were poorly made, the selected characters, of which 8 have already flown, did not know where to stamp their signatures. Fatal. We never imagined that the chaos we saw on television that disastrous August 7, 2022 would be the harbinger of what was to come for us. Lizcano messed it up several times as the director of the Administrative Department of the Presidency of the Republic and now, in his capacity as ICT minister, he will be the permanent blooper who will make us feel ashamed from Monday to Sunday, including holidays. He arrived at the ministry that it was: that of telecommunications. Everyone laugh!

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We don’t know anything about the other characters, I don’t know them. I’ve heard something about Jhenifer Mojica, López Montaño’s replacement, but I don’t have enough information to tell you things. About Yesenia Olaya and William Camargo, Ministers of Science and Transportation respectively, I wonder: who are they? Where did they get them from? Did no one else accept those charges?

I don’t like this Petro 2.0, it worries me, it’s the same as always, the one with no scruples, the one that destroyed Bogotá. I hope the parties read the message well: he doesn’t count on them, he thinks he doesn’t need them, he made them a pistol in an olympic way. I hope they leave him alone and don’t run from him anymore.

We Colombians are sitting in the front row to begin to see the typical totalitarian attitudes of the dictators, Chávez, Maduro, Evo and Ortega. Petro arrived recharged, may God take us confessed…

By Jorge Eduardo Avila

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