Home » Ituri: Lake Albert managed by both the government and armed groups

Ituri: Lake Albert managed by both the government and armed groups

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Ituri: Lake Albert managed by both the government and armed groups

Radio Okapi.Ph/ Marc Maro Fimbo”/>

The security situation and water management of Lake Albert (Ituri) remains confused, noted Friday, April 28, the reporter for Radio Okapi. Indeed, the armed groups as well as the government share the management of this lake, located 55 km east of Bunia.

Towards the north, from the lakeside localities of Nyamamba and Mbogi, it is the CODECO militiamen who reign supreme over the waters of Lake Albert. In the center precisely in Kasenyi and part of Tagba, it is the government that controls this watercourse. From Nyamavi to the spawning grounds in the southern part, it is the FRPI militiamen who manage the lake.

The militiamen who occupy these lake areas engage in fishing activities without any respect for the regulations in this area.

They use prohibited nets and invade spawning grounds, places where fish reproduce.

They catch small immature fish and fish in the process of laying eggs. As a result, fish production has declined.

The presence of armed combatants in this area has increased insecurity in the waters of Lake Albert.

The army recognizes this situation. His spokesperson in Ituri, Lieutenant Jules Ngongo confirms the illicit activities carried out by these militiamen on the waters of Lake Albert.

“You know all these militiamen, if they approach from the side of Lake Albert it’s just for economic needs. That is to say: the center of interest of these militiamen is illegal fishing,” he said.

Lieutenant Jules Ngongo affirms that the army will continue with the tracking operations of these armed groups until all these illegally occupied areas are liberated:

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« We pursue them (Editor’s note the militiamen), they arrive, they settle down and we pursue them again. The objective is to evacuate, to ward off all threats on the shores of Lake Albert, to allow the population to go about their business freely and above all to protect the ecosystem, biodiversity ».

Meanwhile, the management of part of Lake Albert by armed groups is hurting a good number of the population living on the shores of this lake. Consisting mainly of fishermen and displaced persons, this population is only waiting for the tracking of these armed groups by the army in order to continue with its activities in peace.

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