Home » “Me gay? Now I say it”, the ex-wife froze

“Me gay? Now I say it”, the ex-wife froze

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“Me gay? Now I say it”, the ex-wife froze

Gianni Sperti is back in the living room of very true ten years after the last time. With Silvia Toffanin he tackled a delicate topic, the one concerning his ex-wife Paola Baral, who a few years ago – just to Verissimo – hinted at some not very nice things about Sperti. “People don’t have the courage to tell the truth, I wouldn’t be able to be with a person who doesn’t want to be in that place there,” said the showgirl.

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Many have thought that Sperti was gay, but now the person concerned has clarified once and for all: “I have overcome the failure of the marriage. I thought she too had overcome it, also because she had a long history after me. Maybe she bears a grudge. Seven years together, if she didn’t understand boh. Being yourself? What did she mean? I do not know. Indeed I know but I prefer to ignore it. Alright, I’ll tell you then: he wants to make believe that I am homosexual”.

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“The thing that bothers me – continued the columnist of Men and women – is that even today there is this desire to know what trend it has. Am I homosexual? Maybe yes, maybe not… I’ll never say. If I say that, it means putting yourself on a label. I already hate the question. I don’t come to you and say: are you straight? We are human beings, to be categorized as good or bad. Who cares about the rest.”

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