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Boris Palmer announces time off

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Boris Palmer announces time off

Boris Palmer doesn’t just want to continue like this. (archive image) Photo: dpa/Christoph Schmidt

After controversial Nazi comparisons, the mayor of Tübingen, Boris Palmer, has announced a break. “One thing is clear to me: It can’t go on like this,” it said in a statement.

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The mayor of Tübingen, Boris Palmer, wants to follow suit his controversial statements in Frankfurt am Main take a break. He announced this on Monday in a personal statement that the dpa and the „SWR“ present.

In the statement by Boris Palmer it says: “One thing is clear to me: It can’t go on like this,” writes the politician, whose membership in the Greens is suspended. “I can no longer put up with the recurring storms of outrage from my family, my friends and supporters, the employees in the city administration, the municipal council and the city society as a whole.”

His serious intentions to ensure that something like this shouldn’t happen again were unsuccessful. In the statement, Palmer also announced that he would seek professional help.

The politician had already caused a scandal before the official start of an event at Goethe University on Friday. Demonstrators had confronted the politician for using the N-word on Facebook. They chanted “Nazis out”. Palmer then justified himself and said: “I said a word and you call me ‘Nazi’. This is none other than the Star of David.”

In his personal statement, Palmer wrote, “When I feel unfairly attacked and react spontaneously, I fight back in a way that only makes things worse.”

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Longtime supporters are turning away

The confrontation was shared via video on social networks and caused a wave of outrage. The Goethe University condemned the statements of the Lord Mayor and described the choice of words as “racist and relativizing the Holocaust”. The Tübingen Greens city association, which distanced itself from Palmer, and the Greens group “Vert Realos”, which intends to continue working without Palmer, also expressed incomprehension.

Longtime supporters like Rezzo hose turned their backs on Palmer. Boris Palmer’s lawyer announced on Sunday that he would no longer represent the mayor in the future and that he would also be renouncing his personal and political loyalty. The former Green Party politician, hose, justified his decision by saying that no insult, no matter how vile, justifies a historical parallel to the Jewish star.

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