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Lose up to 6 kg in a short time and without a diet: you really only succeed if you follow this rule

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Lose up to 6 kg in a short time and without a diet: you really only succeed if you follow this rule

A few tricks are enough to lose up to 6 kilos in a short time and without following a diet: if you follow this rule you really succeed!

With the arrival of spring comes the desire to get back in shape in view of the summer and the first trips to the beach. After a long winter of revelry and debauchery, getting back into shape in a short time may seem difficult. Especially if you don’t have the slightest idea of ​​the diet to follow and what are the healthy habits that each of us should have in order to enjoy good health.

Here is the rule to lose weight up to 6 kilos – Buttalapasta.it

Sometimes simple healthy habits can make all the difference in weight loss. In fact, it is not always only the diet that brings the much hoped-for results. For lose those extra pounds in addition to eating well, it is also necessary to keep in mind some aspects of everyday life.

For example, a mistake that many make because they are caught up in the frenetic pace of life is to eat meals at wrong times. In this way the body is unable to regulate itself and we will end up gaining weight. As evidence there is also a study conducted by the University of Barcelona which confirms that eating later on at the weekend can increase up to 4 kilos. So let’s find out what you need to do to lose weight effortlessly.

Here’s how to lose up to 6 kilos without dieting

After Easter, it’s finally time to get back in shape. Set aside chocolate eggs, pastries and doves it’s time to get back in line and start eat in a healthier and more balanced way, practice physical activity on a regular basis and respect good habits che have a significant weight in the loss or on the contrary in the accumulation of kilos.

Walking is useful for losing kilos – Buttalapasta.it

For example start at sleep at least 7-8 hours every night and avoid eating dinner late it is already a first step towards success. But besides this, what should be done to avoid frustrating and restrictive diets while still losing those annoying extra pounds?

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1) Breakfast. Removing the bread altogether is never the solution. However, it is better to consume the wholemeal one, without ever abounding with quantities. Instead of bread, however, we could make an even lighter choice, that is, insert fruit as a carbohydrate. Also indicated is coffee which, being a stimulating substance, also increases the metabolism, but it is better to avoid sugaring it.

2) Lunch. Many wonder if it is more appropriate to consume proteins or carbohydrates. The answer is both. In every meal, in fact, we should dose the right quantities of both substances, but also of good fats that must never be lacking, such as extra virgin olive oil, for example. Don’t forget fruit and vegetables, which should also be taken for both lunch and dinner.

3) Cena. In this case it is good to eat at least 3 hours before bedtime. If, on the other hand, we don’t have the possibility, we try to have a light meal, to reduce the doses compared to lunch without neglecting any of the nutrients. After consulting your nutritionist, then, you can also possibly proceed to evaluate the hypothesis of carrying out intermittent fasting a couple of times a week.

Finally, it is necessary not to forget the‘physical activity. Even a walk of 5 kilometers a day is enough to be done on a regular basis. And if you’re trained, it’s also good to alternate it with running. In addition, small tricks can come in handy such as that of take the stairs instead of taking the lift or park the car a little further away to walk a little more.

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