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how it affects the environment and health

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how it affects the environment and health

If you have a habit of chewing gum, you better know what the consequences can be both on your health and on the planet

Why you shouldn’t eat gum (Photo from Canva) – ecoo.it

Chewing gum is a widespread habit all over the planet but it is also one of the practices that has a environmental impact which very few know. And it all comes from it composition chemistry of which the tires found on the market are made.

In addition to the environmental impact, there are also the effects that this habit has to take into consideration on oral hygiene. It might seem like a tried and tested, low-priced form of stress reliever but, in the long run, you risk having more danni of how many benefits you can think of. From headaches to chewing problems, chewing gum should be used sparingly. And if you really can’t do without them, here’s how to find more eco-friendly ones.

Why is chewing gum bad for you?

Chewing gum from time to time, maybe the ones that promise to save you having to look at all costs for a sink and a toothbrush, seems like a completely harmless pastime. This belief comes partly from the size of gumballs and partly from the fact that they have always been advertised as also intended for children. But actually the recipe behind most chewing gum makes this pastime a health concern.

Colorful but dangerous (Photo from Canva) – ecoo.it

Lo sugarin whatever form, found on the surface inside the tires ruin your teeth as it acts as food for bacteria which then proliferate giving rise to plaque. Then there is to bear in mind that if you suffer from irritable bowel the use of gums, even those with different sugars, can cause digestive disorders and pain. Not to be underestimated then the problem of chewing and the possible headache that the prolonged action of the jaws can generate.

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Chewing gum enemies of the environment

A habit not to get into (Photo from Canva) – ecoo.it

What would you think if you discovered that the tires you put in your mouth are actually made from the same materials that car tires and glue are made from? Because for the most part chewing gum consists of polyvinyl acetate and synthetic rubber. which makes the gums chewed and thrown into the environment a hazardous waste just as much as i tires abandoned on the side of the roads. One solution is to try, if you really can’t do without a chewing gum every now and then, to look for solutions that are made up of more natural ingredients possible.

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