Home » Dentures: only in this way can you clean them well and avoid health risks | Attention

Dentures: only in this way can you clean them well and avoid health risks | Attention

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Dentures: only in this way can you clean them well and avoid health risks |  Attention

Let’s avoid damage to our health: carefully cleaning a mobile dental prosthesis is of fundamental importance.

Unfortunately, it can happen that we lose teeth due to illness or neglect at this point the dentist will advise us to apply a removable prosthesis: correct chewing is important for our body, not only for the digestion of food but also for a series of problems which also affect the skeletal system.

Clean dentures, expert advice – CrMag.it

With the application of prosthesis we can go back to the right functionality of the chewing and also to smile, which is always a good method to face life! One might think that the cleaning of these false teeth is more an aesthetic fact than anything else, they are not subject to cavities but in reality the cleaning must be correct and daily to avoid health risks.

The prosthesis furniture, experts tell us, must be carefully and daily basis clean; both to maintain theI wait original, therefore satisfactory from the point of view aestheticboth to avoid i problems which could arise from one poor cleaning. Dentures must be washed after each meal to prevent food residues, which invariably remain attached, from creating diseases in the oral cavity: gingival inflammation or the proliferation of bacteria that put our health at risk.

The ways to keep your dentures perfectly clean and the things that we absolutely must not do if we don’t want to take risks

We have said that the prosthesis must be washed after each main meal to do so first of all we have to take due fundamental precautions hygienic: wash always the mani before touching the dentures and placing them in a sanitized container to avoid contaminations. To carry out cleaning they must be used brushes with bristles that are not too stiff and specific toothpastes, after having removed all food residues with circular movements, it can be rinsed under water. It will then have to be immersed in a container with a little warm water in which we will have previously dissolved a tablet specifically designed for cleaning dentures; it can then always be rinsed with warm water and a little neutral soap to remove the residues of the tablet.

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What to do to have perfectly clean dentures – CrMag.it

In order not to compromise the‘integrity from the dentures there are things that should never be done: use thehot water can deform the prosthesis; wash it with detergents containing bleach because it can change the color of the teeth, them turns yellow; never use too hard toothbrushes or aggressive detergents; be careful not to clean it with whitening toothpastes, these too contain substances that are too aggressive. With these simple tricks and a little attention, your dentures will always remain perfect! Let’s also remember the checks by the specialist who help us prevent disorders or discomfort in the oral cavity.

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