Home » Experience moving fasting in the Odenwald

Experience moving fasting in the Odenwald

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Experience moving fasting in the Odenwald

Learning about healthy diet and exercise patterns while managing stress at the same time

(Image source: Timmy Wesley, Unsplash)

Fasting has long been known as a therapeutic fasting. This form of voluntary food abstinence can help us internalize healthier eating patterns and integrate them more into our everyday lives.

However, one thing must not be forgotten: the movement! Because during fasting, the stress hormone cortisol is increasingly released. And in addition to the mobilization of fat reserves as a source of strength (which then leads to a certain weight loss), this also leads to a breakdown of muscles. Of course we want to avoid the latter. And that’s why fasting and walking are often conflated because walking is a moderate form of exercise — as opposed to, say, strength or endurance exercise — and is designed to preserve muscle tissue.

Even if you don’t want to lose weight, fasting hiking can be an enrichment for you!

Of course, the “life preservers” around the hips and waist melt when fasting. However, therapeutic fasting only has something to do with weight loss to a limited extent. Because as soon as the feeling of hunger disappears, which experience has shown to be the case after two days, our senses awaken to new peak performance. Not only smells and tastes are then perceived much more intensively, colors also appear more radiant. In addition, the mood increases because the brain begins to release the happiness hormone serotonin. A walk in the woods is so much more fun!

That’s why it makes sense to do fasting and hiking as educational leave. That is with our seminar” Fasting in motion“ possible because we have the Odenwald right in front of our nose in our seminar guest house. From here, several beautiful hiking trails of different lengths lead through the Geo-Naturpark Bergstraße-Odenwald, which are leisurely hiked in the six-day seminar.

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If you’re not that used to hiking – don’t worry! The seminar is not about “making stretches”, but about maintaining your muscles while not eating through a moderate form of movement. Our experienced lecturers therefore only go as far as possible with the participants of the seminars. Experience has shown that this is about 10 kilometers per day. Which may sound like a lot at first – especially for someone who has no previous hiking experience. However, you will quickly find that you are quite capable of covering this distance at a leisurely pace!

And so that after the fasting seminar you don’t fall back into old, uncomfortable and dysfunctional diet and exercise patterns, our lecturers have tips and tricks ready for you on how you can integrate the new experiences you have learned in the seminar into your everyday life and thus contribute to it to maintain your productivity.

Fasting as a neglected method of stress reduction

In addition, it is not just about changing unfavorable diet and exercise patterns. The Fasting in Motion seminar also gives you the opportunity to reduce stress and to take lasting precautions against stress. Because the fact that our intestines are relieved by fasting, our body comes to rest and we can relax again. In addition, tension and stress are reduced and new energy and strength are recharged. That’s why we chose our seminar guest house in Hassenroth in the Odenwald as the location for this seminar, in order to have the beneficial effects of the forest right in front of our noses. It is now known and scientifically proven that the forest is a perfect source of stress prevention. If you want to learn more about it, check out this blog post I wrote: Forest bathing: how to relieve stress in the forest.

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Image Credit: Timmy Wesley, Unsplash

The Bergstrasse Institute for Holistic Relaxation and Communication (BIEK) is a certified training institute in the field of relaxation techniques, stress prevention and corporate health care. The manager is Silvia Duske (Dipl. Soz.Arb., management coach and non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy). The institute has become known for the very practical training courses for relaxation therapists. It offers an extensive program of training for the self-employed in the field of prevention and for employees of companies, public institutions and administrations in the field of stress prevention. The company was ISO 9001 and AZAV certified in July 2015.

Martin Duske
Promenadenstrasse 10-12
64625 Bensheim

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