Home » Xi Jinping wrote back to the students of the Science and Technology Academy of China Agricultural University, emphasizing that planting a love for agriculture and cultivating the skills to revitalize agriculture will make contributions on the big stage of rural revitalization. On the occasion of the May 4th Youth Day, I would like to extend festival congratulations to all young people across the country_中国网

Xi Jinping wrote back to the students of the Science and Technology Academy of China Agricultural University, emphasizing that planting a love for agriculture and cultivating the skills to revitalize agriculture will make contributions on the big stage of rural revitalization. On the occasion of the May 4th Youth Day, I would like to extend festival congratulations to all young people across the country_中国网

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Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 3rd. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, recently wrote back to the students of the Science and Technology Academy of China Agricultural University, putting forward earnest expectations, and on the occasion of the May 4th Youth Day, he would like to express his sincere wishes to the people of the whole country. Congratulations to the youth on the holiday.

In his reply, Xi Jinping said, I am very pleased to know that through the small science and technology institute set up by the school, everyone has gone to the fields and villages to solve the people’s livelihood and study knowledge in the service of rural revitalization.

Xi Jinping emphasized that you said in your letter that young people will “seek hardship for themselves” only after entering the depths of rural China to deeply understand what is seeking truth from facts and how to connect with the masses. You said it very well. Chinese youth in the new era should have this spirit. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made deployments for building a strong agricultural country. I hope that students will have lofty aspirations and keep their feet on the ground. They will closely combine classroom learning with rural practice, cultivate a love for agriculture, and develop the skills to revitalize agriculture. On the big stage of rural revitalization Make meritorious deeds and contribute youthful strength to accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas and comprehensively build a modern socialist country.

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In 2009, China Agricultural University explored the establishment of a small science and technology institute in Quzhou County, Hebei Province, and sent graduate students with professional degrees in agriculture to the front line of agricultural production. Agricultural high-level talents serve the modernization of agriculture and rural areas. At present, the school has established 139 small science and technology institutes in 91 counties, municipalities, and banners in 24 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country. Recently, student representatives from the Science and Technology Academy of China Agricultural University wrote a letter to General Secretary Xi Jinping, reporting their gains and experiences, and expressing their firm determination to contribute to the construction of a strong agricultural country.

[Responsible editor: Liu Weijia]

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