Home » They found an M-60 machine gun that fell from a helicopter in Arauca – news

They found an M-60 machine gun that fell from a helicopter in Arauca – news

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They found an M-60 machine gun that fell from a helicopter in Arauca – news

The Special Administrative Unit of Health of Arauca informed the community in general, of one of the events of Interest in Public Health, which is part of the group of Sexually transmitted infections such as HIV-AIDS, at the end of the year 2022, obtained a total of 99 cases, in residents of the municipalities of the department of Arauca.

Based on the results, the number of cases by municipalities was disclosed; Arauca with 51, Arauquita 6, Cravo Norte 0, Fortul 3, Puerto Rondón 0, Saravena 22, Tame 9 and 8 cases of people residing in the territory notified outside the department.

The diagnosis of HIV by gender was represented as follows: 33 cases were presented in the female gender, 66 cases in the male gender, and the origin of the cases included Colombian residents of the department and commuter transit migrants who have received care in the territory.

Lorena Guerrero Galarraga, a professional who supports the dimension of sexuality, sexual and reproductive rights, pointed out that the entity has been articulating work with the EPS and IPS to obtain a quick and timely diagnosis in the entire population, including pregnant women, to avoid mother-to-child transmission of HIV .

“This is intended to have a rapid response so that no baby is born with HIV, in the same way comprehensive care, the indication of antiretroviral treatment and adherence to it since this is vital for people living with the virus, this with the objective that it does not go beyond the AIDS phase and opportunistic diseases enter and can lead to death”.

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Source: Arauca Special Administrative Health Unit

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