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Welser Medienkulturhaus: Will everything stay as it is?

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Welser Medienkulturhaus: Will everything stay as it is?

A preliminary decision was made on Thursday in the race to fill the Media Culture House. The hearing before the steering committee and the non-voting city senate was won by the application team led by MKH deputy Boris Schuld (MKH_Studios) with a clear lead over the other two applicants. The duo Christoph Brückl and Renate Pyrker (Open Culture House Wels) lined up ahead of the team of Stefan Schiehauer & Christoph Schumacher (Media House Media Art and Cultural Center Wels).

For the Welser Freiheitliche, the selection process did not go according to plan. Mayor Andreas Rabl and cultural advisor Christa Raggl-Mühlberger recently called for a realignment. More breadth and more audience was the claim of the FP, which provides half of the mandates in the Welser municipal council with the MFG by Jörg Wehofsich.

In the steering committee, the Blues remained in the minority. Martina Franke and Simone Lindinger represented the Wels cultural advisory board. And this also put the MKH application in first place and gave the committee a clear recommendation with its ranking.

Rabl remains skeptical

“I would have preferred a different concept. I liked the application of the other two candidates better because it was more forward-looking. I am also skeptical that what is promised by the MKH can also be implemented,” said Rabl when asked by the Welser Zeitung.
The winners of the hearing still have to clear a few hurdles. The unsuccessful applicants can appeal. However, this must be well justified and would result in high costs. If the conditions change in the course of the contract negotiations, Rabl considers a new tender: “I can’t imagine that you want to do twice as many events with half the budget as before,” says Rabl skeptically. Since Thursday, there has also been the idea of ​​all applicants working together.
On Friday, both SP Deputy Mayor Klaus Schinninger and VP City Councilor Martin Oberndorfer denied rumors of politically motivated voting behavior directed against the FP. “Complete nonsense,” Schinninger said indignantly at the claim from the group of applicants.

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Anonymous voting

The steering committee was made up of one representative from each of the six municipal council parties. The four remaining votes went to Rabl, Raggl-Mühlberger, Franke (Chairwoman of the Cultural Advisory Board) and Lindinger, Deputy Advisory Board Member. The vote was anonymous. Seven criteria, which were weighted differently in the decision-making process, had to be rated with points.


Erik Famler

Local editor catfish

Erik Famler

Erik Famler


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