Home » The practice of Chinese-style modernization in the Yangtze River Delta | How to build the “three highlands” of the First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China_中国网

The practice of Chinese-style modernization in the Yangtze River Delta | How to build the “three highlands” of the First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China_中国网

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The practice of Chinese-style modernization in the Yangtze River Delta | How to build the “three highlands” of the First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China_中国网

People’s Daily Online, Shanghai, May 6th (Reporter Yang Wenquan, Huang Jinxiaohu) The “Chinese-style modernization in the Yangtze River Delta practice” network theme interview group entered the spiritual home of the Chinese Communists on the 5th – the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, feeling The source of spiritual power for the practice of Chinese-style modernization in the Yangtze River Delta.

Xue Feng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China, responded in a collective interview that the memorial hall focuses on the historical process of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and regards carrying forward the great spirit of party building as the main goal of its current work.

Xue Feng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China, was interviewed.People’s Daily Online reporter Yang Wenquan

Build “Three Highlands”

“The First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China pays more attention to the expectations of the people in the new era.” Xue Feng said that the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China should be built into a highland for the protection and presentation of the historical resources created by the Communist Party of China, a highland for the telling and dissemination of the story of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and a great spirit of party building. The research and elaboration of Heights.

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The First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China preserves 128,000 pieces (sets) of revolutionary cultural relics, and the collection resources are rich and precious. In recent years, the memorial hall has launched exhibitions such as “Great Spirit Forges a Great Era – Thematic Exhibition of the Great Spirit of the Communist Party of China”, which has aroused enthusiastic responses across the country. In Xue Feng’s view, it is the historical responsibility of the memorial to preserve the revolutionary cultural relics, and it is the social responsibility of the memorial to present the revolutionary cultural relics to the audience.

The Preface Hall of the First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China.People's Daily Online reporter Yang Wenquan

The Preface Hall of the First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China.People’s Daily Online reporter Yang Wenquan

Tell the story of the founding of the party well

According to Xue Feng, the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China pays attention to transforming the simple language expressions in the explanatory notes into rich Internet “products”, such as making a series of micro-videos on the theme of party history, so as to truly “live” the cultural relics in the red venues , “Fire” up.

The historical stories created by the Communist Party of China can adopt more methods and rely on more platforms to “meet” the audience. Xue Feng said that it is the dream of a major CCP memorial to build a content production base that records and reflects the history of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

In recent years, some foreign dignitaries have come to visit. The First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China has become an important platform for China in the new era to tell the world the original intention and mission of the Communist Party of China. Xue Feng believes that this is a good phenomenon and trend. “When people from all over the world come to this glorious city of Shanghai, come to the First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China, and come to the place where the Communist Party of China was born, they will have a deeper understanding of how the Communist Party of China was born here, how it marched from here, and how the Communist Party of China was born here. From here to govern the country.”

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The first and second editions of the

The first and second editions of the “Communist Manifesto” published in 1920 are complete Chinese translations.People’s Daily Online reporter Yang Wenquan

Support schools to run “big ideological and political courses”

In response to the characteristics of young people who are full of vitality and thirst for knowledge, the First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China “connected” the knowledge of party history and printed it into a “big newspaper”, and then printed the text in the Chinese full translation of the “Communist Manifesto” “On the back, the portraits of Marx and Engels are spelled out in bold font. “Young people will be very interested in seeing such a cultural and creative product of party history knowledge full of artistic sense.” Xue Feng said.

Since 2021, the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China has insisted on launching the “Hundred Objects into Hundred Schools, Hundred Lectures for Hundred Years” Hundreds of revolutionary cultural relics into the classroom activity, providing heavy curriculum resources for universities, middle schools and primary schools to run “big ideological and political courses”.

So far, the First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China has developed dozens of lecture courses on important historical nodes, not only explaining the revolutionary struggle process reflected in the cultural relics, but also telling the painstaking efforts of the cultural relics custodians.

“Vivid ideological and political teaching around revolutionary cultural relics and its historical background.” Xue Feng said, “It must be in-depth, keep upright and innovative, and make the big ideological and political courses live and new, and make them more effective.”

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[Responsible editor: Zhan Yuquan]

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