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Yes, travel. But with the dog and safely

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Whether it’s so small to fit in your handbag, or big enough to take up the entire back seat of the car, one thing is certain: the best choice for our four-legged friend is to take him on vacation with us. And yet there is a ‘but’. It must be borne in mind that every subject, regardless of race, is an individual with certain physical, behavioral and pathological characteristics. And who knows them all well? Your vet. And it is precisely to him that the owner should turn to find out which are the most suitable places for our dog. Dr. explains why Francesco Orifici of the Amvi, National Association of Veterinary Doctors.

“Not all destinations are suitable for every animal. For example, an owner thinks that bringing a heart disease dog in the mountains is perfect, because that’s how he stays cool, without knowing that if you climb above two thousand meters he could have problems at that altitude. Consulting the vet means receiving the right advice on the place, the situation and the transport. Not all animals travel peacefully by car or can get on a plane, to move by train or ferry you need certain documents and some precautions: the veterinarian knows what he needs from a documentary point of view. Without forgetting that even for transport by car there are specific regulations: animals go inside the carriers or on the back seat of the car but with leashes, special harnesses and safety belts. It is always advisable to check with the highway code “.


The number of people who decide to travel with their dog even abroad is increasing. The advice is to get well informed about all the procedures to follow before leaving (here the page of the Ministry of Health). “You have to have the passport with rabies vaccination to travel within the European Union. In Scandinavian countries and in the United Kingdom, in addition to rabies prophylaxis (to be done three weeks earlier), antibody tests, deworming for echinococcus, treatment for fleas and ticks are also requested “.

At the sea

For those who choose not to go so far from home and maybe take a nice beach holiday, here are some precautions to follow. “On the coasts and on the beach – explains Dr. Orifici – we must be careful about leishmaniosi, a disease that is spreading more and more also due to global warming: temperatures rise and vectors spread more easily “. It is transmitted by sand flies, it is more present in central-southern Italy but also abroad, in countries such as Croatia, Albania, Greece. “Prevention plays a fundamental role: pesticides, repellents, collars, drops and vaccines that have been available for some years. Obviously, the combination of these precautions at the same time limits the possibility of contracting the disease”.

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But that is not all. “Special attention must be paid to animals that have no pigment on the nose, around the eyes or on the fin of the ears because they are dogs predisposed to photosensitization and do not have to stay in the sun because they risk carcinoma, a tumor of solar origin “.
Very hot places are not recommended for all brachycephalic dogs, like bulldogs, due to their difficulty in breathing, but attention to high temperatures is worthwhile for all: dogs have a different thermoregulation system from ours and are at great risk of heat stroke, which can even be fatal. “An eye also to allergies related to insect bites and the possibility of contracting parasites such as fleas and ticks. It is necessary to prevent their presence with a good prophylaxis, also because if the dogs bathe in the sea or in the lake, the skin gets wet and the action of the pesticides decreases “.

The advice is not to rush to the vet at the last minute but start a month earlier to think about where to go with our animal. In the case of vaccination, for example, the body must be given time to develop antibodies to the disease.

A large part of the Italian population has been choosing the mountain as a destination for the summer months for some years, with the greatest joy especially of the dogs. “Here the risks are linked to the presence of some animals such as the viper, present in the woods but also on the edge of the villages. His bite on a dog – continues Orifici – is very serious and you have to run immediately to the vet. There is no anti-viper serum, you don’t have to engrave, put on laces, but try to make him feel comfortable. The more you agitate, the more your heart activity increases, the more poison goes into the circulation. “To this we must add that the viper is a protected species, killing it is a crime. So in the case of a bite, take the dog and leave quickly.

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“We remember that in Italy there is no obligation to rabies vaccination because it is considered a territory free from this viral disease. But in the mountains many people have the habit of going with the dog free and a close encounter with the fox, carrier of rabies, could be a problem. “So vaccination for the ‘mountain people’ is recommended.” The dog should also be brought. on a leash to prevent his possible attacks on marmots, hares, roe deer. Wildlife must be respected: in the mountains we are the guests, the legitimate owners are them, the animals of the forest, and they deserve to be respected “.

Then there are other problems that animals, including us, can face, such as tick bites. “They are dangerous parasites for dogs and humans because they are carriers of some pathologies, even serious and fatal – explains the veterinarian – and they must be removed immediately because for the first 24 hours they suck only the blood, then they suck and regurgitate, thus transferring the any pathogens “.

We must therefore carefully control the dog and ourselves. The pesticide does not always prevent the tick from sticking, it can kill it but sometimes it remains attached and continues its work. “A rule that few people know – says Orifici – is that the ticks that we detach or detach from our animals should not be thrown away, because if after a few days we feel unwell, we get fever, joint pain, we can do a PCR test (C reactive protein test) on them and see which pathogen they harbored. Encephalitis, viral encephalitis, Q fever, can cause major problems for humans but with timely treatment it can be cured. It is therefore a good idea to keep a tick in a test tube with alcohol and, if there are problems, the vets can do the PCR test “.

“The filariasis it is an endemic pathology in the Po Valley, transmitted by mosquitoes, but it is also spreading to other areas of our country. A prophylaxis is available that lasts one year and is carried out with the injection of a drug, or tablets can be administered once a month for the entire period of stay in places at risk. “It is a parasite of the heart and pulmonary vessels. if not discovered in time it can even lead to death.

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Normally all dogs are vaccinated for leptospirosis, but today there are more modern, tetravalent vaccines, which cover more strains of leptospira. “It is a bacterial infection caused by rodents. The dog can come into direct contact with it by licking a puddle where there is mouse urine, or by drinking in a stagnant stream, and so on. It is dangerous for the dog but also for humans because it is a zoonosis. Therefore, the recommendation is to vaccinate your dog every year “.

First aid kit

What should we take with us when we go on vacation with our dog? “The important things are disinfectants and bandages. Beware of dysentery, which could occur, because it can have different origins, from toxic to infectious. A drug that blocks diarrhea could be contraindicated in the case of toxicosis because it blocks the physiological expulsion of the gastric-intestinal contents, in which case the diarrhea would be beneficial. “Do not administer an antidiarrheal drug like this, without the advice of a veterinarian. On the other hand, the need to hydrate animals often, always carry plenty of water with them because they drink a lot: dogs, as already mentioned, have a different thermolegulation, they dissipate heat with their breath and evaporate large quantities of liquids from their mouths. We shouldn’t think about giving them some of our water but bringing it in quantity just for them.

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“One last important suggestion – concludes Dr. Orifici – is not to be taken aback and when you go to a holiday resort, first inquire about the nearest and best equipped veterinary center, have a number of veterinary emergencies or ask your veterinarian who has a network of acquaintances on the Italian territory “.


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