Home » EU Parliament: the homosexual Jesus exhibition between sadomasochistic transvestites and sex slaves

EU Parliament: the homosexual Jesus exhibition between sadomasochistic transvestites and sex slaves

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EU Parliament: the homosexual Jesus exhibition between sadomasochistic transvestites and sex slaves

The exhibition of the left on the gay Jesus. The paradigm shift. The gay world that no longer represents itself with nonconformity. Before he condemned the Church, now he wants to be part of it. Before he criticized the family now he wants one, he wants children

On the occasion of the Swedish presidency of the EU, that’s it the exhibition which, due to conformism and lack of taste, seems really suitable for the policies of the current EU. An exhibition that represents the LGBTQ+ community, around Jesus Christ, like so many sadomasochistic transvestites, slaves obsessed with sex. A photo gallery by artist Elisabeth Ohlson and promoted by Swedish Left Party member Malin Björk: the exhibition is held in Brussels, at the European Parliament, from 2 to 5 May.

For believers, Jesus Christ is in the midst of everyone. But he smiles that whoever is LGBTQ + (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, gender fluid, etc.) is still represented as a horde of sadomasochistic freaks, made up and involved in promiscuous attitudes or in embraces at every moment of life. That is, they are represented with the same pre-war preconceptions of those who have a retrograde idea of ​​sexual diversity.

If it is understandable the picture with Jesus, also made up, in the middle of a demonstration LGBTQ+, with the participants cheering him on, of less clarity is Christ with a group of sadomasochistic worshipers who pray to him on their knees. Still less the black Jesus, a black man in the position of the crucifixion but lying on the bed, while another man, white, still naked, embraces him in an intimate position, with the sheet as if to recall the holy shroud.

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Childish provocation to be talked about? Possible. Certainly the disconcerting banality would make great artists who have made sexual diversity their yardstick pale. “There are thousands of photos and paintings of Jesus portrayed together with heterosexual couples, a photo of Jesus with LGBT people shouldn’t be so scary“, Ohlson commented to those who criticized her.

So are we still in the representation of homosexuals or the LGBTQ+ community qualified for their sexual habits, as we were always in a “Village people” style video or at gay pride? If I were homosexual I would feel offended. It should be communicated to the “artist” that first of all homosexuals or the Lgbtq+ community are people and it is at least trivial to represent them in such a tacky and childish way. Many with this orientation have made refinement, style and elegance their caliber and have no desire to feel ridiculously represented.

Parliament seems to have welcomed the exhibition with enthusiasm. Maybe it’s the right environment, given the level of conformity and banality? The exhibition seems to give the sign of a change that has taken place over the years in the gay world that is no longer represented with the nonconformity of substance, to understand each other, to Pasolini or Oscar Wilde, but with that of the facade, from an easy and short-range provocation. And above all contradictory to the anti-traditionalist nature of the historical manifestations of the gay movement, which emerged as outside the box. Here instead the gay or the Lgbtqi chases the same schemes that he criticized earlier: want normalization. Before he condemned the Church, now he wants to be part of it. Before he criticized the family now he wants one, he wants children and to have all rights. Not feeling accepted has probably pushed a part of the community to embrace all the symbols of consumerism and advanced capitalism, becoming hegemonic in the community.

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Finally, there are also those who feel rightly offended by the lack of sensitivity of such demonstrations in European institutional settings, such as MEP Alessandra Basso (Lega-ID): “Here is the concept of democracy that animates these people: to support LGBTQ+ rights indeed, it is permissible it is useful to offend our right to respect and respect for our religion. And don’t hide behind the usual refrain of provocation: it is pure blasphemy… an ignoble offense to the sensitivity of millions of people who recognize their roots in Christianity”.

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