Home » Yi Lianhong emphasized at the symposium on the construction of a high-level scientific and technological innovation platform that the key strategy is to seek deep insights, focus on new breakthroughs, and effectively carry out high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement in Zhejiang_Hangzhou Net

Yi Lianhong emphasized at the symposium on the construction of a high-level scientific and technological innovation platform that the key strategy is to seek deep insights, focus on new breakthroughs, and effectively carry out high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement in Zhejiang_Hangzhou Net

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Yi Lianhong emphasized at the symposium on the construction of a high-level scientific and technological innovation platform that the key strategy is to seek deep insights, focus on new breakthroughs, and truly carry out high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement in Zhejiang.

From May 4th to 6th, Yi Lianhong, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, carried out a study and implementation of Xi Jinping’s new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in Hangzhou to study and study how to further improve the quality and efficiency of the construction of high-level scientific and technological innovation platforms and lead the demonstration role. On the afternoon of the 6th, Yi Lianhong presided over a symposium on the construction of a high-level scientific and technological innovation platform, emphasizing the need to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on scientific and technological innovation, enhance the sense of urgency, closely combine the theme education, innovate and improve the system and mechanism, and focus on Strengthen core capabilities, significantly improve the quality and efficiency of innovation, amplify the “multiplier effect”, further promote high-energy scientific and technological innovation platforms to better serve strategic goals, gather outstanding talents, create an excellent innovation culture, produce major iconic innovations, and promote high-level technology Self-reliance and self-improvement, explore new ways to practice the new nationwide system.

On the morning of the 6th, Yi Lianhong conducted a special survey on the scientific and technological innovation platforms of provincial universities. At Zhejiang University of Technology, Yi Lianhong listened to the introduction of the construction of universities, inspected the provincial and ministerial joint construction of the State Key Laboratory of Green Chemical Synthesis Technology (preparation), the Electron Microscope Center, etc., hoping that the school will innovate and improve the school-running concept, school-running mode, and discipline layout to achieve First-class university management; further exert the advantages of disciplines, talents, and platforms, and move towards the goal of “domestic leadership and world-class” in the field of excellence. At Hangzhou Dianzi University, Yi Lianhong inspected the Institute of Microelectronics and the Institute of Industrial Internet, etc., to understand the construction of universities and the innovation of key technologies, and encouraged the school to base itself on its own reality, give full play to its professional advantages, build a distinctive brand, and continue to innovate in research and development. Make new breakthroughs and provide solid support for the construction of high-energy scientific and technological innovation platforms with the construction of high-level universities. At Zhejiang Sci-tech University, Yi Lianhong inspected the Key Laboratory of Advanced Textile Materials and Preparation Technology of the Ministry of Education and the Gongchu Joint Research Institute of Biomedicine to learn about the construction of universities and the integration of industry, education and research, and encouraged the school to actively build superior discipline brands and promote the development of various disciplines. Balanced development not only cultivates high-level talents, but also produces high-quality scientific research results, forming a vivid situation of mutual promotion and complementarity.

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At the symposium on the construction of high-energy scientific and technological innovation platforms, the heads of the relevant units of the project reported the research situation of the project, the heads of relevant universities and technology innovation centers made exchanges and speeches, and the participants carried out discussions and exchanges.

Yi Lianhong pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made a series of important expositions on how to build high-energy scientific and technological innovation platforms such as national laboratories, which have improved the quality and efficiency of the construction of high-energy scientific and technological innovation platforms and played a leading and exemplary role. Provides direction and provides follow. It is necessary to improve our position and deeply understand that this is the country’s largest country where “the General Secretary has orders and the Party Central Committee has deployments”. Relatively speaking, the weak points must be seen in action, with new breakthroughs and major improvements, and more consciously shoulder the responsibility of Zhejiang to achieve high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement.

Yi Lianhong emphasized that it is necessary to benchmark against the first-class, and seek deep and practical key measures to “improve the quality and efficiency of the construction of high-energy scientific and technological innovation platforms and lead the demonstration role”. Grasp the needs of the country, conduct in-depth research on how to show greater achievements in strengthening strategic scientific and technological capabilities, calibrate the orientation in the “two overall situations”, improve the status in the “four orientations”, and find the right position in the strategic scientists and outstanding advantages; grasp Where the law lies, in-depth research on how to make better efforts in key links, promote a smoother connection with high-level universities, a more diverse and sustainable investment mechanism, and a more scientific and effective assessment mechanism; grasp the future direction, and conduct in-depth research on how to make progress in the key core Achieve more landmark achievements in technological breakthroughs, lock in goals, strengthen coordination, and allocate resources well; grasp the so-called “new”, conduct in-depth research on how to form greater advantages in innovation paths and innovation ecology, and explore and build new systems, mechanisms, and new organizations A new type of research and development institution with a new model, new management capabilities, and a new humanistic spirit; grasp the needs of development, and conduct in-depth research on how to achieve a higher leap in the integration of industrial chain innovation chains, help industrial transformation, promote joint innovation, and transform scientific and technological achievements.

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Yi Lianhong emphasized that it is necessary to strengthen coordination and focus on new breakthroughs in “improving the quality and efficiency of the construction of high-level scientific and technological innovation platforms and leading the demonstration role”. Re-coordinate the strategic system, coordinate the strategic layout, strategic direction, and strategic planning to form a more systematic overall pattern; superimpose the advantages of all parties, and give full play to the discipline advantages of high-level universities, the platform advantages of laboratories, and the market advantages of enterprises , promote the integrated development of forward-looking basic research, applied research and industrialization, and press the “accelerator button” for the deepening of innovation; Re-optimize relevant policies, make supportive policies more in place, supportive policies more effective, special policies more accurate, and promote science and technology. The creation platform takes policy as the “fulcrum” and makes good use of “leverage” to leverage high-quality sustainable development.

Chen Yijun and Lu Shan participated in the research and symposium, and Ren Shaobo participated in the symposium.

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