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More energy efficiency through modernization – waz.de

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More energy efficiency through modernization – waz.de

Say goodbye to annoying noises and unpleasant drafts – by modernizing windows and doors, you can increase living comfort and reduce unpleasant stress. Even better: This not only saves energy, but also money. The Sparkasse experts clarify: In this article you will find out when it is worth replacing windows and doors and what you should pay attention to when implementing the modernization.

Feeling comfortable in your own four walls is an important factor for quality of life. This also includes a pleasant room temperature and a quiet atmosphere. But old and leaky windows and doors can lead to significant disruptions. Modernizing the windows and doors can help and not only increase living comfort, but also save valuable energy and thus costs at the same time. But when is a renewal worthwhile, what should be considered during implementation and what financing options are there?

More comfort, safety and energy efficiency

Living more environmentally conscious, living healthier, living safer, living more beautifully – the Modernization of windows and doors can have different reasons, but leads to the same result: everything gets better. Modernizing windows and doors leads to general improvement and renewal to make them more functional, safer and more energy efficient. This can be done by replacing components or by replacing them completely with modern models. “By replacing old single glazing with modern double or triple glazing, you can save up to 15 percent in energy, according to the German Federal Foundation for the Environment (DBU). For an average house and heating system, this can mean savings of several hundred euros per year,” know the Sparkasse Experts.

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Common signs of outdated windows and doors and reasons for modernization are, for example, binding, drafts, condensation, noise and energy loss. A thorough assessment of the existing condition and expert advice can help to determine whether modernization in the form of a complete replacement makes sense as a long-term solution.

Upgrade and convert in an environmentally friendly manner

The materials that can be used to modernize windows and doors are glass, plastic, wood and aluminum. The choice of material depends on various factors:

Glass (lifespan of up to 60 years) comes in different types, from single glass to toughened glass. Plastic (lifespan of up to 50 years) is affordable and durable, wood (lifespan of at least 30 years) offers a traditional look and excellent thermal insulation, but requires more maintenance than plastic. Aluminum offers a modern, robust look and good thermal insulation. Aluminum combinations combine the thermal insulation and look of wood with the durability of aluminium.

Even with such technical questions, the savings bank specialists are on hand to provide advice and, with the help of their wide-ranging network, can refer you to the right and competent contact person.

Costs and government funding opportunities

Die Cost modernization or refurbishment depends on various factors, such as the size of the windows, the material and the type of refurbishment. A rough estimate per window is between 500 and 1,500 euros, depending on whether it is just a repair or a complete replacement.

A door refurbishment involves restoring a door to make it functional and visually appealing. Refurbishing can be a cheaper option compared to buying and installing a new door. Various elements of the door such as door leaves, door fittings, door frames and seals can be treated.

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The prices for a renovation of the door leaf and door frame are normally between 100 and 200 euros per door. For a more comprehensive refurbishment, which also includes the replacement of door fittings and locking systems, the costs can range from several hundred to around 1,000 euros, depending on the material and size. The installation of a frame is very flexible in terms of price and can cost between 50 and 500 euros. “It is always advisable to obtain a few offers from various specialist companies in order to determine an exact price,” recommend the savings banks’ specialist advisors.

However, there are also state ones Funding Opportunities for a window repair. The Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) supports “individual measures for efficient buildings” with direct grants. This includes the installation of new windows and doors. From investments of 2,000 euros to 60,000 euros, the expenses are subsidized by around 15 percent. in addition, another five percent bonus can be added if an individual renovation schedule (ISFP) exists.

KfW also supports private individuals in the replacement of windows and doors as part of an energy renovation that meets the requirements of an efficiency house 85. On the Residential Loan there is a repayment subsidy from five and up to 45 percent, which means that less has to be repaid. A window and door renovation can not only make living more comfortable, safer and more energy-efficient, but can also be financially supported.

“Invest in new windows and doors and take a big step towards more comfort, security and energy efficiency,” promise the Sparkasse financial experts. Now with yours savings bank inform and make dreams come true. All further information can be found online at www.immobilien.sparkasse.de/renovieren-sanieren.

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