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Pereira receives a baby otter

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Pereira receives a baby otter

A new member has just arrived at the Ukumarí Biopark, it is a river otter that was rescued by the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Valle del Cauca (CVC).

The river otter is a wild species that inhabits the rivers and streams of Colombia, due to its carnivorous condition it feeds on a wide variety of animals such as fish, crustaceans, amphibians and water insects, among others.

This species is generally solitary, except for the females that live with their young, and is currently threatened due to factors such as deforestation, alteration of the course of rivers, hunting, and illegal wildlife trafficking.

Ukumarí’s manager, Sandra Correa, stated that “after losing its mother, and only one month old, this otter was rescued by the environmental authority of the Valley, an entity that managed to keep the animal alive by providing it with the care it required. because it can no longer be returned to its natural environment.

In the Bioparque pereirano the baby otter is undergoing nutritional and olfactory enrichment processes, so that in this way it can have a natural behavior, since it is very accustomed to human care.

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