Home » Tanganyika: Governor Julie Ngungua ousted by the provincial assembly

Tanganyika: Governor Julie Ngungua ousted by the provincial assembly

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Tanganyika: Governor Julie Ngungua ousted by the provincial assembly

Radio Okapi/ François Xavier Mybe”/>

The governor of Tanganyika, Julie Ngungua was stripped of her functions this Monday, May 8 by the provincial assembly.

This forfeiture comes following a motion of no confidence introduced by MP Kakudji Wama.

The latter criticizes the provincial authority for poor governance, incompetence, nepotism and clientelism.

14 deputies present in the plenary voted for the forfeiture of Julie Ngungua.

The deputies criticize the latter, among other things, for the fact that it did not send the sum of more than 198 million Congolese francs (CF) intended for the decentralized territorial entities on October 19, 2022.

Also, the budget execution report of the Central Bank of Congo informs that on December 6, 2022, the cumulative amount of the order of more than 390 million FC was irregularly executed concerning public expenditures to the secret research fund. .

The governor is also accused of not having informed the deputies about the credit she requested from the Rawbank of the order of ten million five hundred thousand US dollars.

In his speech before the provincial assembly, the deputy Cyrille Kimpu denounced the squandering of the funds that Kinshasa sent to the province of Tanganyika.

Thus, the provincial deputies voted for the forfeiture of the governor following the oral question with debate addressed to her which turned into a motion of no confidence because she did not appear before the elected officials.

A fringe of deputies who denounced irregularities regarding this oral question left the room at the start of the plenary.

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