Home » “They were eating her”, brutal attack of four dogs on a girl

“They were eating her”, brutal attack of four dogs on a girl

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A nine year old girl was seriously injured and suffered amputation of one of his armsafter being attacked by four dogs that belonged to relatives and were sacrificed, in the Cordoba town of Valle Hermoso de Punilla. “Like what the dogs were eating it”expressed shock the father of the minor.

The tragic incident occurred this Sunday when the girl, who is a native of the Buenos Aires district of Pilar and at the time of the event was in the house of a great auntremained hospitalized in the Children’s Hospital of the city of Córdoba, connected to a artificial respirator and in delicate conditionthe agency reported THAT.

The minor’s grandmother said she attended the sister’s birthday and she decided to take her granddaughter. “There were many of us, we were eating and we don’t know what happened. It was seconds and since there were several large animals and the body was obviously so small,” the woman said.

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“They are four large, well-cared-for dogs. we don’t know what happened. It was a second “, he expressed in dialogue with Lv3at the time that he assured that it was not the first time that his granddaughter visited the house.

They were 4 dogs. They were my sister’s, well cared for dogs, vaccinated. It is not the first time that they see the girl, they know her. She is seriously ill and arrived with her amputated arm,” he told the woman.

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It was a birthday that ended in a nightmare”

For his part, Gastón, the father of the nine-year-old girl, spoke with Our Afternoon (TN): “He went to spend the weekend there. His grandmother was eating when my daughter went out into the yard to play and didn’t come in anymore. When he saw her it was like the dogs were eating it.”

In that line, he added: “He arrived at the hospital with his arm hanging by a piece of muscle. They had to amputate it because it was her life or save her arm. The medical report said that it was too early to know if she is going to get ahead or not. We have to wait for the next few days.”

The father also said that the girl arrived at the hospital “with dirt and sand on her body” and that the family decided to sacrifice the four dogs: “They did it because they couldn’t take it anymore. It was a birthday that ended in a nightmare.”

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Cordoba Children’s Hospital.

The girl was referred to the care center of the Cordovan capital from the Valle Hermoso hospital.

“He was admitted after having suffered an attack by dogs presenting left upper limb amputation, pulmonary contusions, scalp injuries, disinsertion of the auricles. He was admitted to the operating room and then to therapy. He is under mechanical respiratory assistance,” explained the director of the care center, Verónica Petri.

Meanwhile, another similar incident occurred in the Nueva Esperanza neighborhood, in the city of Córdoba, where an 11-year-old boy was also injured by a dog.

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The minor was assisted at a Rising Sun dispensary and has injuries to his foot, buttocks and right hand.


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