Home » AIR TRANSPORT / The point of Lazzerini (Ita) and Natale (Boeing) – Mobility

AIR TRANSPORT / The point of Lazzerini (Ita) and Natale (Boeing) – Mobility

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AIR TRANSPORT / The point of Lazzerini (Ita) and Natale (Boeing) – Mobility

Fabio Lazzerini- CEO of Ita Airways and Angela Natale- president of Boeing Italy and Managing Director of Southern Europe, took stock of the situation in which air transport currently finds itself, both highlighting some basic aspects. Lazzerini fully “absolves” air transport from the “charges” of those who are firmly convinced that it contributes to environmental pollution. The senior manager categorically denies it, stating: ”Air transport is responsible for only 2% of world emissions, but it is considered particularly polluting and for this reason we have not received anything from the Pnrr. However, environmental sustainability must go hand in hand with economic sustainability. Saf, or the least polluting fuels, cost seven times more than traditional fuel”.

Angela Natale, looking at the walls of her own home, announced important news on the aircraft production front: “By 2041, 41,000 new aircraft will be produced in the world to meet the demand of the aeronautical sector. The figure refers to global production which includes passenger transport and cargo, estimated by the latest edition of the Boeing Market Outlook”.

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