Home » MUNDYS / Giampiero Massolo: ‘Artificial intelligence will disrupt our lives’ – Mobility

MUNDYS / Giampiero Massolo: ‘Artificial intelligence will disrupt our lives’ – Mobility

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MUNDYS / Giampiero Massolo: ‘Artificial intelligence will disrupt our lives’ – Mobility

Giampiero Massolo (in the photo) – president of Mundys, spoke two days ago at the conference, “Transport: in the heart of the economy”, organized by IlSole 24Ore and held at the Leonardo da Vinci airport in Fiumicino.

Massolo wanted to take stock of the situation, highlighting the role or influence that artificial intelligence can exercise and the words with which he began sound very clear: “artificial intelligence will upset our lives. We will replicate the logic of Yunex in various countries. We are on the verge of something that will disrupt our lives, called artificial intelligence, and all of this is starting to be applied by companies”.

Massolo cited the case of the company of the Yunis group which will manage two-thirds of vehicular traffic in London: “Yunex is based on an artificial intelligence system and a predictive intelligence system that allows for the intelligent management of traffic lights and of traffic flows, allowing very significant savings from the point of view of the rate of pollution”. “This logic of Yunex, we will continue to multiply around the world“.

The president of Mundys recalled that Yunex is present in about seventy countries and cited the cases of Singapore and Munich, as well as London. In concluding his speech, he said clearly: “We also hope to arrive in some Italian cities”.

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