Home » Pisa Biennale of Architecture, the Commission of the Call to Action appointed

Pisa Biennale of Architecture, the Commission of the Call to Action appointed

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Pisa Biennale of Architecture, the Commission of the Call to Action appointed

On the cover the republican Arsenals © Roberto Silvestri

The main question that will be addressed during the next scheduled Architecture Biennale in Pisa from 13 to 29 October 2023regard architecture as a tool for new social balances. “Over its previous four editions” explains the architect Massimo Del Seppia, President of the LP Association which takes care of the event together with Pietro Berti, Silvia Lucchesini and Fabrizio Sainati, “the Pisa Architecture Biennale is dedicated to the city and in particular to the importance of its public spaces; greenery and water [..] themes that he has always developed by looking at a more just, inclusive and supportive city.” Now in its fifth edition, one of its objectives is, in fact, the identification of some research guidelines set on the fundamental role of public space and public buildings for the purpose of social rebalancing.

It is around this main theme, and the six specific sections in which it is declined – housing, public spaces and social connection structures, art and culture, care, schools, sport – that the Call, launched on April 4th and open until May 31st, is articulated, in which professionals can participate by presenting, through portfolios, completed or even just planned works, pertaining to the 6 identified sections.

“In these years where social differences have further exacerbated” continues Del Seppia “the curators’ thoughts went to how and to what extent architecture can contribute to a new social equilibrium, to a more shared city in which each individual can have access to quality living opportunities and environments, suitable for the development of his own future. The Pisa Biennale places the aspect of living together at the center of attention, with the guiding principle that no one should be left behind: for this reason the curators believe that architecture can play a key role towards a new social balance”.

CALL: commission members appointed

Always attentive to these issues, this year’s event offers a chance to comparison between past experiences and future visions, contributing to the elaboration of new models capable of capturing the transformations taking place. Of the proposals that will arrive, only 15 will be those selected by the Commission as they are considered more in line with the theme and the research sections.

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Composed of 5 members chosen from within the Scientific Committee, the Selection Commission, which will have the task of selecting the proposals – from 31 May to 15 June 2023 – counts the presence of: Massimo Pica Ciamarra as President, Carmen Andriani (architect full professor at the University of Genoa), Robert Bosi (teaching architect at the University of Florence), Stephanie Franceschi (architect) e Pisana Posocco (teaching architect at the La Sapienza University of Rome).

In addition to being exhibited for the entire period of the Pisa Biennale in the Pisa-Bastone Sangallo Pavilion, the selected projects will be included in the catalog curated by the LP Association.


Deadline for delivery of project proposals: 31 maggio 2023
Sending communication to the selected designers: June 15, 2023
Sending by the selected designers of the material for the catalogue: July 31, 2023
Sending by the selected designers of the files of the tables for the preparation: September 10, 2023

One or more projects can be presented, for each study section, by sending images of the completed or designed work and a brief explanatory text, also by means of a portfolio. There is no standard layout to follow, feel free to express your creativity and present the works in the format you prefer.
Email addresses for sending material: [email protected]

→ Call – Complete regulation
→ Pisa Biennale of Architecture – V edition – metaproject

Presented the official logo

Designed by Fabrizio and Lorenzo Sainatithe logo for the V edition of the Pisa Architecture Biennale represents the idea that “Social balance […] translates into two distinct elements. An internal balance and an external balance.”

A concept geometrically expressed in the intersection between the square shape – which symbolizes the community and, therefore, the city that welcomes it in which to build a system of shared values ​​- and the circular shape, in which every point of the circumference is equidistant from the centre. The different social groups, referred to by the smaller circles, are involved in the more general balance to which architecture contributes in a decisive way.

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The chromatic alternation between black and white aims to place an even more marked accent on the fundamental objective of building through architecture the premises for the coexistence of distant realities and conditions, harmonizing the differences so that they contribute to an overall social balance.


During the October event, two prizes will also be awarded: the City of Pisa Award for Urban Quality 2023, awarded by LP, dedicated to those who, during their career, have contributed with their constant intellectual and design activity to the dissemination of architecture as a primary value. And the Pisa Biennial Prize 2023dedicated to those who have particularly distinguished themselves in their design and theoretical activity.

The winner of the prize will be identified by the Scientific Committee; in the fourth edition of 2021 the prizes were awarded respectively to Mario Cucinella and to the Orizzontale collective.

References and updates on the Biennale

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Pisa Architecture Biennale cultural project of the LP association permanent laboratory for the city.
Curatorship and artistic direction: Massimo Del Seppia (coordinator), Silvia Chiara Lucchesini, Fabrizio Sainati, Pietro Berti
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Massimo Pica Ciamarraarchitect, president of the Scientific Committee, Carmen Andriani architect full professor at the University of Genoa, Silvia Bodei POLIMI research architect, Robert Bosi professor architect at the University of Florence, Fabio Daole landscape architect of the Municipality of Pisa, Stephanie Franceschi architect, Luca Laniniarchitect full professor at the University of Pisa, John Multariarchitect professor at the Federico II University (Naples), Edward Narnearchitect professor at the University of Padua, Leah PianoDirector of Editorial Programs of the Renzo Piano Foundation, Pisana Posocco professor architect at La Sapienza University (Rome), Manuela Raitano professor architect at La Sapienza University (Rome)

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