Home » Polls, up the Democratic Party, down Fi and Italia Viva. The latest polling average. Data

Polls, up the Democratic Party, down Fi and Italia Viva. The latest polling average. Data

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Polls, up the Democratic Party, down Fi and Italia Viva.  The latest polling average.  Data

Media polls Political Thermometer: Pd is still growing, FI and Italia Viva down

The Democratic Party is still growing, FI and Italia Viva down. These are the summary data of the latest average polls processed by Termometro Politico. The Democratic Party is still growing, this is one of the most significant data from the examination of the voting intentions of the institutes in the last week. Elly Schlein’s party reached 20.3%, which it hadn’t touched since before the general election. The allies of the Italian Left and the Greens are also on the rise, regaining 3%, while +Europe remains stationary at 2.3%. In the majority Fratelli d’Italia is stable with its 28.9%, like the League, at 9%, while Forza Italia drops from 7.3% to 7.1%. The 5 Star Movement is also slightly decreasing, returning below 15.9%. In the center, Action recovers one decimal and goes to 2.3%, while Italia Viva is down: it goes from 2.8% to 2.6%.

The week under examination runs from 30 April to 06 May and compares the surveys of 6 institutes: TP, Swg, Quorum, Tecné, Emg, Index.

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