Home » Work-migrants, Meloni besieged by the EU Left: what’s behind the attacks

Work-migrants, Meloni besieged by the EU Left: what’s behind the attacks

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Work-migrants, Meloni besieged by the EU Left: what’s behind the attacks

From Vox to Le Pen: behind the attacks on Meloni the regulation of internal accounts (and the European 2024). Analyses

After the incautious declaration of the French Interior Minister Gerard Darmaninsix days ago, not new to over the top statements, which had defined the Italian government as incompetent in managing migrants, here comes that of the head of Macron’s party Stephane Sejourne: “Meloni does a lot of demagoguery on illegal immigration: his policy is unjust, inhuman and ineffective”. But the Spanish left now seems to have joined France in the accusations against Meloni’s policy.

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To the deputy prime minister Yolanda Diazwho has just run for the Spanish premiership with a new party, Sumar, entered yesterday, with a straight leg on the Italian government, accused of carrying out reforms “against workers”, referring to the decree of 1 May with which the center-right executive has, among other things, introduced new rules to encourage hiring with fixed-term contracts.

But beyond the bad taste of entering into the internal political dynamics of another sovereign country, what immediately catches the eye is how the Meloni seems to have become a pretext for other countries to settle internal accounts with the right-wing opposition. Indeed, it is undeniable how Macron feel more and more the breath on the neck of the Marine Le Pendefeated in the last presidential elections, and which is now given a clear advantage in all the polls, and at the same time the government left in Spain tries to attack the right of the Popolari, but above all that of Vox, an ally of the Brothers of Italy in Europe, to recover the clear disadvantage it has against the centre-right, in view of the policies of December this year. It is no coincidence that Meloni herself, with great elegance, it must be said, underlined this aspect, without excessively exacerbating her tones: “They use us to settle internal accounts”.

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On this point the Diaz she was explicit with Vox’s right: “Your government programme, the hidden programme, talks about the restriction of the right to strike, collective bargaining, privatization of pensions and a return to garbage contracts”, she denounced addressing a deputy from the right-wing party. For Diaz, the model that inspired Vox is that of the Meloni governmentwhich “issued a decree against workers on May 1” which provides for a “return to rubbish contracts”.

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