Home » Microsoft does not stop, Open AI at the center of investments

Microsoft does not stop, Open AI at the center of investments

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Microsoft does not stop, Open AI at the center of investments

Today, the colossus Microsoft has announced plans to increase its multi-billion dollar investment in OpenAI.

This is the American non-profit company that develops ChatGPTthe artificial intelligence system launched last November and has quickly become very popular in the last month, thanks to its excellent interaction and machine learning.

An investment to accelerate the development of AI

According to what was announced today by the CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella, the American giant is now planning a new tranche of investments with the OpenAI artificial intelligence laboratory; investments that will have a multi-year duration and mark the third phase of the partnership between the two companiesfollowing previous investments by Microsoft in 2019 and 2021.

Microsoft, through its spokesman, said that the renewal of the partnership it will accelerate breakthroughs in AI and help both companies commercialize advanced technologies in the future.

“In this next phase of our partnership with OpenAI we will provide the best AI infrastructure, models and tools to enable customers to securely and responsibly build and run their applications on Azure,” writes in a tweet Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft.

$10 billion for safe and powerful artificial intelligence

The investment announced today will enable OpenAI”to continue ours independent research and development of safe, useful and powerful artificial intelligence“, says the OpenAI spokesperson.

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Microsoft has not yet disclosed the amount of investment announced today in OpenAI, but according to reports at the beginning of the year, the big tech was in negotiation to invest 10 billion dollars.

“We formed our partnership with OpenAI around a shared ambition to responsibly advance cutting-edge AI research and democratize AI as a new technology platformMicrosoft CEO Satya Nadella said in the statement. Microsoft’s investment will help both companies create new AI-powered experiences.

Recall that in July 2019, Microsoft had invested $1 billion in OpenAI, an investment that made Microsoft is the “exclusive” provider of cloud computing services for OpenAI. OpenAI now works closely with Microsoft’s cloud service, Azure, which will continue to serve as the exclusive provider of OpenAI.

Meanwhile, the Microsoft title moves up 0.91% thus finding itself at 242 dollars per share

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